Note: This article will be significantly updated soon.
The Armanen Futharkh: A Controversial Rune Row?
N. Leshy Sanghrajkara *
“To me, only that which makes me wise is worth knowing.”
– Rudolf John Gorsleben [1]
“Rune-magic is the great knowledge of cosmic energies, the recognition of hidden
energies of nature, of the subtle heavenly, as well as earthly streams, waves,
entities, and powers. All forms of higher wisdom, all secret knowledge of the
world, are but fragments, and through the course of time have been for the
most part distorted and corrupted; but at one time it had its origin in the
divine, Aryan magic of the Runes.” … “The Germanic Runic script is
the script of all scripts. Runes are not just letters or verbal symbols,
but primal symbols of a living magical nature which whisper to us.”
– Siegfried Adolf Kummer [2]
The row of eighteen runes, or the ‘Armanen Futharkh’, [3] which they are more commonly known as, is a somewhat controversial runic row that came about during the early part of the 20th Century in a vision to the Austrian occult mystic and Germanic heathen and runic revivalist Guido (Karl Anton) von List, whom was born on October 5th 1848 in Vienna and died on May 17th 1919, in Berlin.
This mystical vision that List underwent revealing the row of eighteen runes, which he later referred to as the ‘Armanen’ runes, came to him while in an eleven month state of temporary blindness after a cataract operation on both eyes in 1902. This was a time in List’s life in which, at the age of fifty-four, he underwent a time of rest and relaxation, deliberation and reflection, contemplation, meditation, deep thought and insight. This was a significant period for List in which his beliefs were solidified [4]. This vision of the Armanen runes in 1902 opened List’s “inner eye” whereby “The Secret of the Runes” were revealed to him and discussed in his monumental and greatly influential work ‘Das Geheimnis der Runen’ (The Secret of the Runes), which was later published in 1907/08. It is these runes which, as Dr. Stephen E. Flowers comments on the back of his translation of Lists seminal text, “became the cornerstone of List’s ideology, which he later developed in more than ten volumes of occult studies.”
In fact, in November of 1902, List wrote to his dear friend, the respected industrialist and publisher, Friedrich Wannieck MP, stating that, due to his operation, it would have been “impossible to begin to work mentally on my intended unravelling of the secret of the runes, but at that time-previously unperceived Laws of Generation and Evolution” came to him. And on April 29th 1907 List again wrote to Wannieck, thanking him for his “encouraging interest” saying that he can now give himself “over to research and am able to dedicate myself to these almost unlimited areas of interest.” [5]
However, it is not the intention of this article to prove rightly or wrongly as to this belief. I merely intend to give an objective point of view as to their potential worth and value as a magickal runic system as viewed from a practitioners use of them in our contemporary times. In writing this article it is also not my intention, directly or indirectly, to take away from any other runic row which the readers may utilise. Each row is worthy of study and use so long as it works for you, and as our religion is not dogmatic, neither should runic study nor practice be.
“The golden rule at all times should be: Try everything out without
bias or preconceived ideas, and hold on to whatever works best.”
– Karl Spiesberger [6]
Regardless of one’s personal perspective and belief at this present stage, List is, and must be accredited as being, as is also noted by Dr. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, the pioneer of völkisch runic mysticism and Armanenschaft occultism [7]. List must also be noted as the very first to have ever linked a runic scriptural series, and actually associating a specific individual rune of his eighteen rune Armanen Futharkh, to each of the eighteen runic stanzas which were revealed to Odin in the ‘Hávamál’ (Words of the High One) in the section known as ‘Rúnatáls-tháttr-Odhins’ (Odin’s Rune Wisdom) of the Edda. List was indeed a pioneer and a visionary.
As stated, List’s Armanen Futharkh was, according to him, encrypted in the eighteen ‘spells’ of the Hávamál, which is found in the ‘Edda’ or more commonly known as the ‘Poetic’ or ‘Elder Edda’ in which it is written that they are revealed to us by Odin when he ‘sacrificed’ himself upon the sacred World Tree, or Tree of Life – Yggdrasil. In this text, they are hidden specifically in the stanzas 138 to 164 of which 146 through to 163 are the song of the 18 runes (Odin’s Rune Song). [8]
The specific 18 stanzas are preceded by the following words:
Know’st thou how one shalt carve and cut them,
Know’st thou how one shalt rede, expound and attest them.
Know’st thou how one shalt stain and mark them,
Know’st thou how one shalt understand, seize and trial them.
Know’st thou how one shalt evoke and ask them,
Know’st thou how one shalt sacrifice, offer and use them.
Know’st thou how one shalt send and convey them,
Know’st thou how one shalt slaughter, consume and grasp them.
– Hávamál, Rúnatáls-tháttr-Odhins, Stanza 144.
The runes are a powerful magickal system and one that should never be abused, especially by those that don’t truly understand what they are getting involved in. If you do, just be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions. I say ‘truly understand’ like there is a final exam of which you can pass with the understanding that you have the answer to every question. I do not mean this. The path of the runes is a spiritual esoteric journey in which the final destination (if indeed there is one, but I believe is more likely a gradually elevating, multi-layered, realisation of enlightenment and spiritual consciousness) and one that we may never come to see to the highest level in our lifetime.
“Runes none should grave ever Who knows not to read them”
– Egil’s Saga, Chapter LXXV.
We are all subject to our own limitations, but equally it is only us that can strive to overcome them. There is no benefit in rushing and time and care should always be taken concerning the runes, to understand their exoteric and esoteric aspects. There is no end-game, only illumination.
Now, the Armanen Futharkh is still widely used (and growing) in the present day within occult and mystic currents of esoteric Armanenschaft and Odinism (also commonly known as Asatru) all over the world and wherever our people dwell, but, as stated, it comes with some controversy and this is picked on by a few with respect to its ‘authenticity’ or relatively recent discovery when looked at in contemporary times in comparison with its apparent older counterparts. And, to some Germanic heathens and esoteric runic occult mystic runologists and runosophists the Armanen Futharkh is seen as ‘fake’ as it is not ‘old’, or ‘traditional’ enough. In addition, it is said by some to just be a personal vision or even an outright invention of List’s, and is thus seen by those as not really being worthy of true and unbiased study, interpretation, nor ritual practice and application.
Although a few still today have this attitude, it is welcoming that the number is becoming fewer that still mock and scorn those that make use of this magickal system which I view as an ugly trait within a completely non-dogmatic spirituality and an attitude that should be removed from Germanic Neopaganism altogether – the absurdity of such a mind-set in all reality is rather self-evident.
In stating this I mean that there are those today that have this point of view, which is of course acceptable and understandable in a free society and non-dogmatic spirituality as Odinism, as they see this Futharkh as not originating from a ‘traditional’ or accepted heathenish time-period, as they don’t, for example, with the ‘Elder Futharkh’ of the 24 runes. However, this all depends on how this, or any Futharkh for that matter, is looked upon and what they mean in a spiritual sense to the individual soul practitioner – whether it be with regard to meditation, runemagick, divination, or even runic-yoga/yodling/mundras and magical circles connected to the Zodiac, as developed by Siegfried Adolf Kummer and Friedrich Bernhard Marby (runic gymnastics).
Personally, I have always felt a far stronger and much more overwhelmingly deeper spiritual and occultic-magickal, mystical and esoteric connection within myself to the Armanen Futharkh. I cannot explain why I feel so closely connected to these runes as opposed to the other runic rows, such as the ‘Elder’, ‘Younger’, or ‘Anglo-Saxon’ runic rows for example. But, I have to be honest and say that I see this particular runic system of the sacred eighteen runes, as with any other runic system, as they appear to their users, as something of which one should utilise by following one’s own instincts, but only after doing deep research into all of the runic rows available to get a truly balanced perspective.
One should look at all angles and from all possible roots, regardless of any particular area of study, without bias, prejudice, personal preference or preconceived ideas before one undertakes the task of study and practice upon themselves. This is the only way to get an unbiased, balanced and independent point of view. That much is fact.
I believe this because runic mysticism is a very personal matter and one that is central to our spirituality of Germanic Neopaganism (using that term to differentiate ourselves from our ancestral equivalents) and ones connection with whichever rune row one comes to use should truly come from within and be that which works for them.
“With the introduction of Runic knowledge the generation of our days can achieve the control of secret powers within the life of their soul and reach the Spring-Root, which is the Whole of the Runes, the All-Raune, which opens all spiritual treasures to us, if we are Children of the Sunday, Children of the Sun, Children (“Kinder”) of the Ar (Eagle, Sun), announcers (“Künder”) of the Ar, people knowledgeable (“Könner” in modern German) of the Ar, Ar-koner, persons knowledgeable in the Ar-Kana (Arkana = arcane wisdom) or if we strive to become all of the above. The Runes have their own lives, they are true magical signs, from which we can draw the Spirit to Advise and the Courage to Action.”
– Rudolf John Gorsleben [1]
Runic revivalism has an extremely interesting history [7] and even today there are those not using the Armanen system but which are developing new understandings and interpretations of other runic rows which are equally worthy of study. [9] And, what can also be applied to the Armanen is what the scholar Thomas Karlsson has said of the ‘Uthark’, “Even if its historical anchorage can be discussed, it corresponds to the language and mythology of the Old Norse culture” [10] in that it relates, again on the back of the English translation of ‘Das Geheimnis der Runen’, in a mystical philosophical sense directly “based on ancient Germanic principles.” Karlsson also says, and I concur, that it all depends on how we look upon the runes.
To those with the view of shunning the Armanen system off the cuff, I see this to be an extremely erroneous, ignorant and a rather naïve point of view and stance to take, but, by saying this I do not mean to offend.
Of course, the older and more traditional runic rows are ancient, based on archaeological findings, steeped in the mists of time and are, to a degree, historically accepted by many as being ‘true’ – this is not in doubt or any dispute on my part towards their adherents. However, other than their visual symbolical structure (which has also differed over time from past to present), there is no real record, Heathen or Christian alike, as to their ‘true meanings’, ‘interpretation’, ‘use’ or ‘naming’ in any mystical or magickal sense by our ancestors. This is a fact. It is also fact that all of these contributing factors have changed to some varying degree to suit modern day interpretation.
The Armanen is the only runic row which numbers 18 in total. Comparing the other rows, the number of runes vary depending on the row and total as many as 33. However, as stated above, Lists was the only one to ascribe a particular rune to each of the 18 stanzas in the ‘Rúnatáls-tháttr-Odhins’ – the number which our lore says the runes actually total.
The only real documents interpreting and detailing these other more ‘traditional’ runic rows are the Icelandic, Norwegian and Anglo-Saxon rune poems, but the question has to be asked: ‘Who created these rows? Who wrote the poems? Were these interpretations generally accepted in ancient times or were they of one man or woman’s personal perspective and interpretation, and accepted by only some or all? How much are these poems influenced by Christianity? Or in fact, could they be outright disinformation?’
The simple fact of the matter, and truth, is that we simply do not know. I am confident that there is the possibility that what these ‘traditional’ runic rows mean today and how they are interpreted or marketed does not necessarily denote what they meant all those years ago to our ancient ancestors.
The same could also be said for the Armanen rune row of course. However, you have to look at every aspect and all the facts in relation to each other. In fact, and as stated above, the more ‘traditional’ runic rows meanings are today based on latter day practitioners’ interpretations and beliefs and their names by latter day linguists in a similar fashion.
For example, there is no real ancient record saying that one rune is called ‘Fehu’, ‘Uruz’, ‘Ansuz’, or ‘Hagalaz’. In all honesty, the names, and likewise the meanings of the runes, as ascribed today, may not be those which were recognised in the ‘traditional’ and ‘accepted’ time period of our Heathen ancestors.
Indeed, on the other side of the coin, the names, meanings, interpretations and pronunciations of the runes today may very well be similar to those used by our ancestors all those years ago, but again it must be stressed that the simple fact is that we simply do not know.
Note that, again, up until the Germanic runic-revival and teachings of List and his contemporaries in the late 19th and early 20th century, amongst others after him and his fellow Armanist colleagues, including Siegfried Adolf Kummer, Rudolf John Gorsleben, Peryt Shou (Albert Christian Georg Schultz), Tarnhari (Ernst Lauterer), Friedrich Bernhard Marby, Karl Spiesberger and Adolf Schleipfer, etc, there was no real documentation as to any runic Futharkh’s ‘true’ meaning or practices.
One thing that must be said, as I stressed earlier (and I truly hope that it is already practised), is that this information, as with any information on Germanicism, runosophy, runology, runic revivalist literature, runic rows, or indeed any subject matter at all, should be read and studied with an open, unbiased and equitable mind. I again say this because only with an open and unbiased mind, in conjunction with reading many different points of view, relating to all runic rows alongside your own instinctive preferences (and personal usage and practice, and what you glean from them), can you make an intelligent and educated decision, and thus truly form and develop a balanced and intelligent personal outlook and opinion.
It can be safely said I feel, that all modern day works on runic revivalism and mysticism can, to some small degree at the very least, trace their derivation back to List. Indeed, List is the central figure, justifiably so in mine and many others’ opinions, whom stands out in, and over, the history of occult runic revivalist mysticism and abstruse and arcane mystical-magickal esoteric workings.
I can understand why there are those that find this rune row controversial, including its author (even though the latter I believe to be predominantly an opinion through lack of independent and unbiased research) but as I stated earlier, one should conduct their own study into these matters with an impartial mind.
I must also comment that our Germanic Heathen spirituality is a revived spirituality, a modern take on the ‘old Heathen religion.’ Indeed, as it is practised today by various groups, it is a ‘Germanic Heathen Creed for the Modern World’, or ‘Odinism for the Modern World’.
A spirituality needs to work for a people, a folk, based on their circumstances and Zeitgeist. Our world is very different from that of our ancient ancestors. This is not to say that we shed and throw away the old and recreate the new, but our folk are an evolving and growing people and so too is our religion.
The Armanen Futharkh is, depending on your belief of its origins, a reconstructed runic row and what we practice oday is a reconstructed faith. Knowing this, would it not also make sense to make use of (or at least give serious study time to) a revived, relatively newly revealed and modern day rune row, one based on a time and environment far closer to our own today? It may or it may not – but the option is there.
Based on all that I have said previously, I do not believe that a rune row hidden in the mists of time is any more or less worthy of study than one that was revealed in modern times, especially based on the material we have of its original meanings. Of course, anyone can create a runic row and declare it the primal, true and only row to work from. However, it must be proven to work, and if it works for ‘you’ and calls to ‘your’ inner self then so be it, but it must never be sold, or accepted, as the only row worthy of study nor use. We should, by all rights, take advantage of this. For me, and many others, the Armanen Futharkh is that runic row.
The Armanen Futharkh, although new, remains a Germanic one, as do our folk, and as Steve Anthonijsz has stated [11]:
“The Armanen system is the youngest of the four “big name” systems, having appeared in Germany’s early twentieth century. One of its advantages is this young age, having been developed in a world very similar to our own modern, urbanized, technological world. It is also a system that was developed and presented specifically for esoteric and magickal purposes. The Armanen Futharkh possesses the added advantage of being the only system that possesses a complete body of lore from which the aspiring runenmeister may build. There are, however, some disadvantages to this system. The most obvious is that it does not originate from a “traditional” (i.e.; “ancient’) source. List’s powerful emphasis on Wihinei/Wuotanismus (today manifested as Odinism or Irminenschaft), however, indicates that this reconstructed rune row was intended to be utilized for a reconstructed Heathenry—which is precisely what we are practicing today. On the other hand, Armanentum is also very closely tied to Ariosophy, which is about as foreign to our triuwa as christianism! Armanentum employs a variety of techniques claiming to be derived from ancient Germanic sources, the authenticity of which are doubtful at best (e.g., rune yoga). If one is searching for “authentic ancient ways,” Armanentum is certainly not the way to go. But if one is seeking a viable magickal/esoteric system, it works very well. Another major concern among would-be runenmeisteren regarding the Armanen Futharkh is its alleged historical association with the Nazi movement in Germany. While it is true that Armanentum influenced many proto-Nazi thinkers, the system does not promote any particular political view, nor was it widely used by any German National Socialist groups. The most infamous users of runes in wartime Germany were certain officers in the Schutzaffel (SS). These individuals rarely, if ever, used the Armanen Futharkh; instead preferring the rune row developed by Karl Maria Wiligut, the promoter of Irmin-Christianity. Further, it was Wiligut—under the approval of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler—who sent many of the better-known Armanists (e.g.; Siegfried Adolf Kummer) to concentration camps!”
Indeed, the Armanen Futharkh is today proving once again to be very popular and influential. Some even believe it to be more so today in contemporary times than the ‘traditional’ rows in certain areas of Europe – mainly Germany, Austria and England, and even America. However, because a runic row is popular and influential, regardless of which one, does not make it the right row – this is a fatal misapprehension that unfortunately many of the unenlightened and gullible believe.
I wholeheartedly agree with Karl Hans Welz when he stated in his work, ‘Rune Magick’, that:
“Naturally, I used the 18 Runes that Guido von List introduced. It did not take much practice to recognize their superiority over all other attempts, including those of which their authors and promoters claim to be “elder”. It certainly is obvious that List was onto something when he had his “revelations”, perhaps without ever fully realizing just how powerful his system can be.”
Indeed, the older rune rows are extremely worthy of study; this is not disputed, certainly not by myself, and it would be erroneous not to do so, but they are no more worthy of study than, for example, this latter day revealed runic row of the Armanen, for it all depends on ones inner calling and if they work and talk to you directly, passionately, and sincerely.
After all, as Friedrich Wannieck MP stated in a letter to List on November 4th, 1902 – “Whatever “official science” says about it is unimportant. As Dr. Alfred Russel-Wallace says, science always opposes the discovery of new Truths, and it is wrong every time! – The true scholar may say this as well!” [5]
I do truly hope that this short article has, to some degree, cleared up some misconceptions about the Armanen Futharkh and has urged you to, at the very least, look, and actually see, with your eyes fully open.
So, to conclude – my intention was to give food for thought and in this I hope that I have succeeded. I am not trying to convert anyone, but at the same time I hope to have helped answer a few concerns that anyone may have had regarding the Armanen Futharkh. After all, it is just my take on the subject.
Equally, what I am not intending to do, however (and I trust it does not come across as such), is trying to seem righteous and patronising above all else to others and their opinions and the rows they use.
It is my sincere wish that this article has helped to some small degree to understanding why so many make use of the Armanen rune row today and I simply want those that are interested and those that have passed them off as fake to hopefully take another look – if not a first look – and see that they are truly worthy of study and justly commendable of deliberation, contemplation, meditation and deep thought, which will hopefully lead to practical exploration and application – with real results.
I am optimistic that, again, what I have shown is that simply because a rune row is not steeped in the mists of time, so to speak, does not make it any less authentic and indeed powerful on the many levels of which mystery the runes conceal.
“The only means of strengthening one’s intellect is to make up one’s mind about nothing; to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts.”
– John Keats
“Hear the Armanen Masters speak, follow in their footsteps and blaze new paths.”
– Larry E. Camp [12]
Nothing is more legitimate and reasoned in regards to a revived and reconstructed spirituality and the esoteric mystical power of the runes than that which works best for you. No system is any better or less valid than any other, and this is essential to a non-dogmatic reawakening of our Native Faith.
Alaf Sal Fena! Alaf Sig Runa! Sal and Sig! Sig and Tyr!
Nikarev Leshy Sanghrajkara
. 24
The Lake District, Cumbria 0000 X 2262 RE
* A much shorter version of this article was originally written (under a different name) in 2246 RE and saw it’s first publication in a small self-published esoteric journal of 10 copies in that same year. It was subsequently re-published elsewhere (again under a different name) in 2252 RE. This version has been re-edited and expanded during late 2261/2262 RE. It is sincerely dedicated in admirable and venerable appreciation of, and in memory to, ‘Der Wiederentdecker uralter arischer Weisheit’ – ‘der Meister’ Guido von List.
1 – Rudolf John Gorsleben, ‘Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit’, 1930 (Koehler & Ameland, Leipzig). Translated into the English language by Karl Hans Welz.
2 – Siegfried Adolf Kummer, ‘Runen=Magie’, 1933 (Kurt Hartmann, Dresden). Translated into the English language and introduced by Dr. Stephen E. Flowers, 1993 (Rûna-Raven Press, Texas), page 5.
3 – Note on the Spelling of ‘Futharkh’ – Guido von List referred to the Armanen runes as the ‘Armanen Futharkh’ of which Stephen E. Flowers notes in his 1988 English translation of Lists 1907/08 ‘Das Geheimnis der Runen’, that “The designation “futharkh” is based on the first seven runes, namely f u T W R K H (or H) it is for this reason that the proper name is not futhark – as it is generally and incorrectly written – but rather “futharkh”, with the “h” at the end. For more about the basis of this, see GvLB no. 6, Dir Ursprache der Ario-Germanen und deren Mysteriensprache”.
4 – Stephen E. Flowers, ‘The Secret of the Runes’, 1988 (Destiny Books, Vermont), page 10 – The English translation – with an excellent and highly recommended introduction by Flowers – of ‘Das Geheimnis der Runen’, 1907/08 by Guido von List (Guido-von-List-Bücherei 1. Gross-Lichterfelde: P. Zillmann & Guido-von-List-Gesellschaft, Austria). See also Dr. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, ‘The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology’, 1985 (New York University Press), page 41.
5 – Flowers, ‘The Secret of the Runes’, page 41.
6 – Karl Spiesberger, ‘Der erfolgreiche Pendel-Praktiker’, 1962 (Verlag Hermann Bauer. Freiburg im Breisgau). Translated into the English language by W. Foulsham & Co. Ltd. 1987. Page 18.
7 – There was an earlier runic revivalist before List and this first generation of esoteric runic revivalism was undertaken by the Swedish scholar and mystic Johannes Bureus (1568-1652) – although he did not utilise the Armanen Futhark). The next generation was seen in Germany at the very beginning of to the 20th century, with the initiator and central figure being Guido von List. This second generation had a number of prominent enthusiasts and Armanen rune magicians such as Siegfried Adolf Kummer, Rudolf John Gorsleben, Peryt Shou, Philipp Stauff, Tarnhari (Ernst Lauterer), and also Friedrich Bernhard Marby (although Marby was independent of List and the Armanen runes themselves) amongst a score of others, and a significant number of these men were well respected men of the time. During the rise of National-Socialism, and its subsequent taking of power, these men were strictly suppressed and a number imprisoned. The main runic mystic, and the one that was key to suppressing everyone else in favour of his own runic interpretations, worked for Heinrich Himmler within the SS – a man named Karl Maria Wiligut. After the war and for many years (even still today in Germany to some degree) runic mysticism has been steeped in extreme controversy because of the appropriation of ancient symbology by the National-Socialists. However, in the 1950’s the runes (and specifically the Armanen Futharkh) saw a new flowering by such men as Karl Spiesberger and Adolf Schleipfer – the latter whom in 1968 revived the Armanen Orden (the esoteric circle) within the Guido-von-List-Gesellschaft. Another notable character during this time (utilising the 16 rune row) was Roland Dionys Jossé and in the 1990’s by a high initiate within the Fraternitas Saturni, Frater U:.D:., using the 24 runes. For the English speaking world and information on the Uthark system, please see note 9.
An excellent publication which details the history of runic revivalism, which I highly recommend, is ‘Rune Might: History and Practices of the Early 20th Century German Rune Magicians’ by Stephen E. Flowers, 2004 (Rûna-Raven Press, Texas). This work was originally published in 1989 by Llewellyn Publications. Also see the excellent introduction to the English translation of ‘The Secret of the Runes’, by Dr. Stephen E. Flowers and Dr. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarkes’ ‘The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology’, 1985 (New York University Press). It is also highly recommended that you read the ‘Germanic Revival’ series which featured in issues 56 (‘A Short Overview’ by Markus Wolff), 57 (‘Wandering In The Light’ by Joshua Buckley) and 58 (‘Listomania: The Story of Guido von List & The Armanen Order’ by Markus Wolff) of ‘Vor Tru’ magazine of the Asatru Alliance – 1998. I would also highly recommend ‘The Secret King: The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism’ by Stephen E. Flowers and Michael Moynihan, 2007 (Feral House) and finally ‘Tyr: Myth, Culture, Tradition’ volume 2, edited by Joshua Buckley and Michael Moynihan, 2003-2004 (Ultra, Georgia).
8 – The Poetic Edda, translated by Carolyne Larrington, Oxford University Press, 1996. In the Henry Adams Bellows translation, Dover Publications, 2004, the specific 18 stanzas are 147 to 165 (with explanatory footnotes – original printing 1936), and 146 to 164 in the Lee M. Hollander translation, 1962 (University of Texas Press), of which I refer to the reprint by the late E. Max Hyatt of Wodan’s Kindred, Canada, 1995.
9 – See the ‘Ar-Kan-Rune-Lag’ work being done by the Hearth Warder of Woden’s Folk, ‘Wulf’, here in England.
In the United States the use of the Armanen system was initiated by Stephen E. Flowers of the Rune-Guild and Karl Hanz Welz and Larry E. Camp of the Knights of Runes.
In Sweden, the scholar Thomas Karlsson, the founder of the occult magickal order ‘Dragon Rouge’, has revived the study and practise of the ‘Uthark’ runic row system first studied by professor and philologist Sigurd Agrell whom in the 1930’s published a number of books on the subject. See Karlsson’s publication ‘Uthark: Nightside of the Runes’, 2002 (Ouroboros Produktion, Sweden) which was translated into English by Tommie Eriksson.
10 – Thomas Karlsson, ‘Uthark: Nightside of the Runes’, 2002 (Ouroboros Produktion, Sweden), page 27. Karlsson also comments on the growing interest in the Armanen system in this work – page26.
11 – Steve Anthonijsz, ‘Which Rune Row is Best (For Esoteric Uses)?’ [Revised]
12 – Larry E. Camp, ‘A Handbook Of Armanen Runes’, 2007 (Europa Publishing House, USA).
Guido von List, ‘Das Geheimnis der Runen’, 1907/08 (Guido-von-List-Bücherei 1. Gross- Lichterfelde: P. Zillmann & Guido-von-List-Gesellschaft, Austria). Translated into the English language with an excellent introduction by Stephen E. Flowers, ‘The Secret of the Runes’, 1988 (Destiny Books, Vermont).
Siegfried Adolf Kummer, ‘Runen=Magie’, 1933 (Kurt Hartmann, Dresden). Translated into the English language with introduction by Stephen E. Flowers, 1993 (Rûna-Raven Press, Texas).
Stephen E. Flowers, ‘Rune Might: History and Practices of the Early 20th Century German Rune Magicians’, 2004 (Rûna-Raven Press, Texas). Originally published in 1989 by Llewellyn Publications.
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, ‘The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology’, 1985 (New York University Press).
Rudolf John Gorsleben, ‘Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit’, 1930 (Koehler & Ameland, Leipzig). Translated into the English language by Karl Hans Welz.
Guido von List, ’Die Armanenschaft der Ario-Germanen’. Translated into the English language with introduction by Stephen E. Flowers, ‘The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk’, 2005 (Rûna-Raven Press, Texas).
Peryt Shou (Albert Christian Georg Schultz), ‘The Edda As Key To The Coming Age’, 1920. Translated into the English language with introductin by Stephen E. Flowers, 2004 (Rûna-Raven Press, Texas).
Karl Spiesberger, ‘Runenmagie: Handbuch der Runenkunde’, 1954 (Verlag Richard Schikowski).
Siegfried Adolf Kummer, ‘Heilige Runenmacht, 1932.
Rune Magick – Karl Hans Welz
Johannes Balzli – ‘Guido v. List. ‘Der Wiederentdecker uralter arischer Weisheit – Sein Leben und sein Schaffen’, 1917 (Leizig and Vienna)
Karl Spiesberger, ‘Der erfolgreiche Pendel-Praktiker’, 1962 (Verlag Hermann Bauer. Freiburg im Breisgau). Translated into the English language by W. Foulsham & Co. Ltd. 1987. Page 18.
Carolyn Larrington (translator), ‘The Poetic Edda’, 1996 (Oxford University Press)
Thomas Karlsson, ‘Uthark: Nightside of the Runes’, 2002 (Ouroboros Produktion, Sweden). Translated into the English by Tommie Eriksson.
The ‘Germanic Revival’ series which featured in issues 56 (‘A Short Overview’ by Markus Wolff), 57 (‘Wandering In The Light’ by Joshua Buckley) and 58 (‘Listomania: The Story of Guido von List & The Armanen Order’ by Markus Wolff) of ‘Vor Tru’ magazine of the Asatru Alliance – 1998.
Stephen E. Flowers and Michael Moynihan, ‘The Secret King: The Myth And Reality Of Nazi Occultism’, 2007 (Feral House)
Joshua Buckley and Michael Moynihan (editors), ‘Tyr: Myth, Culture, Tradition’ volume 2, 2003-2004 (Ultra, Georgia).