The Paths of Left and Right within Odinism
Liber I.III
There is a lot of confusion as to what the distinctions of the Paths of the Left and Right Hand are in relation to Odinism. The most common misconception is that the Right-Hand Path is “good” and that the Left-Hand Path is somehow “evil”. But genuine practitioners or explorers of the Left-Hand Path are not subject to such moral constraints, and limited ethical definitions. Who is to set the ethics and morals of one above the other? The Right-Hand is not good, or right – in the sense of correctness and the Left-Hand is not bad, or wrong – in the sense of being incorrect. The confusion arises from a number of areas. 
Firstly, it must be understood that the Paths should not be seen from the perspective of the definitions from that of the Western tradition, especially anything in line remotely with Satanism, Setianism, Crowleyism, or Wicca. Whilst there may very well be overlaps, it would be a mistake to define the Paths by this Western interpretation.
Secondly, it is down to our own Semitic-dualistic view of the world, conscious or unconscious, stemming from monotheistic conditioning, whether realised and acknowledged or not. 
These concepts must be completely extirpated and one needs to look again with clear vision, and from a Traditional perspective, if you will. Indeed, one could say that far more can be compared to, and drawn from the East (The Aryo-Vedic traditions of Advaita Vedanta, Sanatana Dharma, Tantra, Yoga but also Aghora) rather than the West in this regard.
When reading about the distinction between the Right-Hand Path and Left-Hand Path in the Western tradition, you often come across the terms “objective universe” and “subjective universe”, but don’t read about this in other traditions regarding the Paths. So the question has to be asked, do these play a part in our interpretation of the Paths from an Odinic perspective?
These terms are the subject of a modern philosophy expressing the dualistic view between nature and the mind. They are to be found in the Western Left-Hand Path traditions of the above four which are monotheistic schools of thought that are rooted in monotheistic ontology.
With regard to Tradition, we know that the subjective and objective are the same with regard to the holistic worldview, which is Odinic – disappearing into the One[2] – the Abyss.
Liber I.IV
We find in all traditions that there are two directions one can take – two differing paths which in themselves even differ from each school of thought in their respective tradition. It is to be understood also that even on the separate paths that certain ways in which we approach them have crossovers but that even these differ. But such is the way of non-conformity and the dissolution of rigidity which is the hallmark of stagnation and attachment – that which we wish to dissolve.
The Path you choose to take is a personal matter, and you can even follow the Way in accordance with both hands in your life in regard to exoteric and esoteric practices – from a community based level to that of an individual exploratory level. One is free to participate in both community or solitary based forms of celebrations and rites to Gods and ancestors (Right), and that of an idiosyncratic pursuit of spiritual Self-knowledge and Self-discovery (Left), or one or the other. Your spiritual undertaking is just that, yours and yours alone – no right, no wrong, and neither Path is better or worse than the other.
Liber II.I
The Right-Hand Path
Path of creation, life, of the Bright Gods. Path of Departure from nature of the Self to nature of the World. This is an exoteric path of and for the people; a way to preserve and continue the customs of devotion and honour to the Gods and ancestors in Native Faith to present and future folk generations – to adapt in a spiritual sense to the World. A path of righteousness. Whilst it is a wide and open path to follow, it is limited in its formalism, but this doesn’t mean negativity on its part, but simply that it is focused, consciously or unconsciously, with the outward flow of Spirit to Matter – that of the core (centre) to the periphery (border). This is the way of safety and protection, of family and tradition, dogma and comfort, of cultural conformity and collective custom. The Path of accepted values, genericism, norms and traditions in religion and for the greater community – preservation and transmission. This Path is that of exhalation: from the centre outwards, from the source; the flow from inner to outer, an external way – Spirit to Matter. 
In this sense, it can be understood also that the Path of the Right-Hand is a dualistic view of the world, a path of unification, of the creation of an Image of the World. As Volhv Veleslav puts it, through the ‘prosopopoeia of the mind, in which the individual or community is similar to that of the Demiurge – the potter of consciousness – that creates not the clay itself as matter, but only the form in which this clay acquires.'[3] 
It is the way of attachment, adherence to cyclic law, and restriction. This Path is of adoption, continuation, utilisation of accepted norms, understanding and unity of and with Order. It is the Path of the creation of the idealistic man, the higher or God-man, where the ultimate responsibility for perpetuation, continuity and lucidity and purity are on the shoulders of the community rather than the individual – the transference of the Spirit into the World, the vital breath of spiritual fire from the White flame to the folk. It is the understanding of us and the Gods – unity in duality.
At its core: The Right-Hand Path is the ritual performance, observance, development and continuation of the ancestral spiritual folkways in honouring the Gods and ancestors of the folk within and of the Germanic Native Faith of Odinism.
None of this is negative. The Right-Hand Path is not a false or wrong path – it is a choice, and serves a purpose. There is nothing wrong with being on this Path, and following this way – it is a righteous and worthy Path!
Liber II.II
“We behold all things through the human head and cannot cut off this head; while the question nonetheless remains what of the world would still be there if one had cut it off.”[4]
The Left-Hand Path
Path of destruction, death, of the Dark Gods – the Dark Goddess Hela and Allfather Odin – Goddess of the underworld and God of healing, death, and knowledge. Path of Return from worldly outer nature to that of the true inner nature of the Self. A distinct esoteric approach of spiritual tradition and personal development of the individual towards liberation and illumination – the search and way of spiritual Self-knowledge, being that of liberation from worldly constraints and mechanisms to that of a non-identification, non-attachment perception of the world – self-realisation and consciousness – illumination. It is the Path of Return, to the source – the burning of the ties which bind the Spirit to Matter to the release from Matter to the return to Spirit. 
A narrow Path consciously focused on the journey to your own death – deliverance through the destruction of illusion – attachments, false masks, artificial Self, and Return to the source: Self-knowledge and Self-realisation (the authentic essence of Being: inner true nature through the Return to the primordial Black Abyss of Ginnungagap, or yawning void). The understanding of the “I”, or the “I” behind the “I” – the True Self and Divine Spirit within. A non-dualistic Path and realisation of the inner Chaos, into Order, into Chaos, back into the natural state. It is a path of the removal of false masks and constructed “I” – the destruction of the Demiurge and ego – the false Self. What is more, it is an antinomian path that only the true seekers will understand.
This Path is that of inhalation: the inward flow from the periphery to the core – the flow from outer to inner, an internal way – Matter to Spirit. This is the way of danger and insecurity; contrary in the extreme and at ultimate odds with the accepted forms of morality and behaviour. The Path of confrontation, decay, death, and darkness; of liberation and the illumination through sacrifice of the self to Self – of the spirit to the naked flame – the stripping away of false perception through the removal of the earthly flesh to witness bloodied bone and corpse – true nature visualisation through the Black Flame. 
This Path of destruction and darkness within Odinism is one where there is no gain. Ultimately, everything is lost – that being the Return to the Source of things – the Return to the True Self, the “I” behind the “I” – the Abyss.
At its core: The Left-Hand Path in Odinism is the realisation of the Self, the “I” behind the “I”, the death of Demiurge, destruction of the ego – the false masks that we wear. Immersion into the primordial Abyss of essence – the divine nature and true Self.
Sapienti Sat!
N. Leshy Sanghrajkara


2 – See the concept of ‘Nirguna Brahman’ or Plato’s concept of the ‘One’ in his Parmenides dialogue.

3 – Влх. Велеслав, “Книга Великой Нави: Хаософия и Русское Навославие”, 2011, p. 46.

4 – Nietzsche, Friedrich; “Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: Ein Buch für freie Geister ”, Ch.1.S.9 (1878).


Extract from ‘

Notes on the Way: The Paths of Right and Left within Odinism

‘ by N. Leshy Sanghrajkara, featured in the English language Russian almanac,

Warha Europe, vol. 1

. The full article can be read in English 


 and Russian 


 (Translated into the Russian language by 

Ujean 9321


From the 

Shuyngj Way archives
