Oskar Gröning, 94. Did Oskar Gröning say “I saw the gas chambers” and did the BBC lie?
It has been widely publicized,[1] not least during his April-July 2015 trial,[2] that former SS-Unterscharführer Oskar Gröning, for a time stationed at the Auschwitz labour camp in Poland as a ‘bookkeeper’, uttered the words, “I saw the gas chambers.”
These words were apparently said, after decades of not wishing to discuss his time at Auschwitz since the end of the Second World War, in response to the bookkeeper learning of Holocaust Revisionism.
Interviewed by the BBC for the 2005 six-part documentary co-written and directed by Laurence Rees, Auschwitz: The Nazis and ‘The Final Solution’ (in the US as ‘Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State’)[3], Gröning allegedly said on video-tape, “I saw the gas chambers.” Well, technically, according to the transcript for part 6, ‘Liberation & Revenge’, broadcast in the UK on February 15th 2005, he is quoted as saying:
“I see it as my task, now at my age, to face up to these things that I experienced and to oppose the Holocaust deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened. And that’s why I am here today. Because I want to tell those deniers: I have seen the gas chambers, I have seen the crematoria, I have seen the burning pits – and I want you to believe me that these atrocities happened. I was there.”[4]Part six of this documentary can be viewed online (also embedded below).[5] Beginning at 43:30 is the relevant section concerning Gröning’s comment. However, in neither the English voice-over, nor the original German that Gröning is speaking, does he say at all, “I have seen the gas chambers.”
Skip to 43:30 in the above video.Listening to the German that Gröning is speaking, you can hear him say, “I want to tell those deniers” and then following this, “I have seen the crematoria.” You can hear the first and second part, but not the bit where he allegedly states, “I have seen the gas chambers.” This is simply because he does not say it. The audio that you hear is very unlikely to be edited given the nature of what is allegedly being said. You can hear it clearly without any break in audio or visual, and this has been confirmed by audio editing experts, and native German speakers.
“If” it was edited, then the question must be asked, why would the BBC edit out the original German audio of Gröning saying that he had “seen the gas chambers”? Surely, is this not damning evidence to support the official narrative of the Holocaust story-line? Why cut these powerful 6 words from the documentary? It simply doesn’t make sense considering the documentary was on the topic of the Nazis, Auschwitz, and the Final Solution.
This troublesome inconsistency was brought to light by Mr. A.S. Marques of Lisbon, Portugal in a letter dated April 16, 2005, to British Historian and expert on World War II, David Irving, not long after the airing of the sixth part of this documentary.[6] This came about because the above PBS distributed transcript was used for the foreign dubbing of the documentary aired around the world, and viewed by Mr. Marques,It is evident that someone has deliberately inserted the words, “I have seen the gas chambers”, into the transcript that is now spread all around the world via online, video, and print media. This is not a wild-eyed conspiracy theory, it is blatant lies and the mainstream media keep quoting this as fact.In response to this, Laurence Rees commented on April 12, 2006 in the comments section of another blog, that:“I do take your point. I know the BBC is looking at trying to make much more information available online. But I fear it won’t silence the deniers as – in my view – they are like the flat earth society and simply deaf to reason. Meantime much fuller versions of Mr Groening’s testimony are already available in published form in the book of the series which I wrote. On page 373 of the British paperback edition, for example, you can read a more complete section of his interview where he talks about seeing the gas chambers. It was this section which was edited down for inclusion in programme six of the series. Elsewhere, on page 207 he describes seeing the Zyklon B inserted into a gas chamber.”[7]It is later alleged that Rees also informed the above mentioned blog that:“the transcript correctly represents what Mr Groening said in his interview. He did say he had seen the gas chambers. But these words were not used in the final edited sequence of the film. Much fuller versions of Mr Groening’s testimony are already available in published form in the book of the series which I wrote. On page 373 of the British paperback edition, for example, you can read a more complete section of his interview where he talks about seeing the gas chambers. It was this section which was edited down for inclusion in programme six of the series. Elsewhere, on page 207 he describes seeing the Zyklon B inserted into a gas chamber.”[8]This all came about, Gröning making these statements that is, not Mr. Marques pointing out the blatent lie in 2005 as mentioned above, through a one Mr. Thies Christophersen making comments and handing a booklet to Mr. Gröning.[9]Rees write on page 373 of his book, Auschwitz: The Nazis & The ‘Final Solution’, the following:Going by the past history of the BBC in regards to its lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and covering up of paedophilia in its own ranks, and not solely in this instance, I personally want to see the actual video footage of Oskar Gröning saying that he ‘saw the gas chambers’ rather than take Mr. Rees’s word for it – especially as they cut this god-send of a soundbite from the BBC documentary that Rees both cowrote and directed. I expect this will not be forthcoming.Why is Gröning going through this hokum at the age of 94 you may ask? Well, Maybe it is arranged for him to have a “bonus” in his will, whereby his family will be financially secure once he passes away?
On December 18th, 2015, I wrote to Mr. Laurence Rees with the following email:Dear. Mr. Rees,I have recently had the opportunity afforded to me to view the 2005 documentary, Auschwitz: The Nazis and ‘The Final Solution’, which you co-wrote and directed, aired in the U.S. as, Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State, in that same year.I am writing to you as it has been drawn to my attention of a discrepancy between a segment of an interview featured in the documentary, the transcript by PBS issued worldwide, and the book of which you authored that the series was based upon. I hope that you can clear this inquiry up for me.During episode 6: Liberation & Revenge, there is an interview with Oskar Gröning in which he states in German, and the voiceover in English translating as:“I want to tell those deniers: I have seen the crematoria, I have seen the burning pits…”Looking at the PBS website, it gives the below transcription as follows:“I want to tell those deniers: I have seen the gas chambers, I have seen the crematoria, I have seen the burning pits…”Now, I believe that this documentary was based on your BBC book of the same name which accompanied the documentary in 2005. On page 373 of the book you quote Mr. Gröning as stating:“I would like you to believe me. I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires…”Now, whilst this transcription in your book doesn’t match the audio in the documentary from Mr. Gröning himself exactly, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt. However, the significant issue I find myself having is that you quote him as saying:“I would like you to believe me.” [“I want to tell those deniers:”] “I saw the gas chambers” [“I have seen the gas chambers”] followed by, “I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires…” [“I have seen the crematoria, I have seen the burning pits…”]Having reviewed the video tape of the documentary, it doesn’t “appear” that the interview regarding this segment was edited whatsoever. However, I believe that you have contacted a certain holocaust revisionist rebuttal blog on the internet stating that:“I do take your point. I know the BBC is looking at trying to make much more information available online. But I fear it won’t silence the deniers as – in my view – they are like the flat earth society and simply deaf to reason. Meantime much fuller versions of Mr Groening’s testimony are already available in published form in the book of the series which I wrote. On page 373 of the British paperback edition, for example, you can read a more complete section of his interview where he talks about seeing the gas chambers. It was this section which was edited down for inclusion in programme six of the series. Elsewhere, on page 207 he describes seeing the Zyklon B inserted into a gas chamber.”And following that:“the transcript correctly represents what Mr Groening said in his interview. He did say he had seen the gas chambers. But these words were not used in the final edited sequence of the film. Much fuller versions of Mr Groening’s testimony are already available in published form in the book of the series which I wrote. On page 373 of the British paperback edition, for example, you can read a more complete section of his interview where he talks about seeing the gas chambers. It was this section which was edited down for inclusion in programme six of the series. Elsewhere, on page 207 he describes seeing the Zyklon B inserted into a gas chamber.”Now, my question is, why would the BBC edit out this particular sentence, “I saw the gas chambers” [“I have seen the gas chambers”] in the middle of a short interview segment that is most damning evidence to support the orthodox narrative? It doesn’t make sense to me, and I hope that you can offer some assistance.I understand that you say that a more a full transcript is available in your book but 1) it doesn’t answer why on earth this sentence would be edited from the BBC documentary that you co-write and directed, and 2) because it is so damning yet “cut” from the documentary, whether you can offer video support of Mr. Gröning actually saying this.You say, “I know the BBC is looking at trying to make much more information available online.” Is this in relation to the interview with Mr. Gröning? I ask, because 10 years after the documentary was aired and your book was published, nothing has confirmed this.I appreciate the time you have taken to read this email and I look forward to your response.Kind regardsMost shocking is that in a great number of countries it is illegal to ask exactly that which I have above. It must be asked, why? In regard to this, On December 17th, 2015, I sent the below letter to every major newspaper in the UK, and my local newspaper.
I find this to be an interesting question. Not because I necessarily doubt the orthodox narrative, but fascinating because I find that looking at the website of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust that in many countries of Europe it is illegal to even pose the question.
Such doubts aired in much of Europe (that bastion of “Free Speech” where you are free to question absolutely anything else) can land you with a heavy fine, and even a prison sentence.
To me, making such a question illegal gives only support and credence to the Holocaust Revisionist position. Surely, if their is no doubt and the evidence for the systematic and planned extermination of predominantly Jews in gas chambers is so overwhelming, being that it is the most documented event in history, then one would think that it makes more sense to let the revisionists speak and write freely and make themselves took foolish under the weight of evidence to the contrary.
Denying them the right to do so simply says to the vast majority of freedom loving educated people that something is being covered up.
Indeed, truth needs no laws to uphold it as such, for truth does not fear investigation.In the end, and as the late Anthony Lawson has said, “Anyone who wants to silence someone else, has almost certainly got something to hide… A belief is not evidence.”[10]
“It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782.As I have said elsewhere:
“I have always said that, regardless of what you may or may not believe, nor how strong you hold on to whatever convictions you might have, it is an eternal truth that to hold a valid, intelligent, and educated opinion on any subject or matter, and to make any decision based on such, you need to always, and regardless of consequence, look at both sides of the story. Equally important is that you delve into any issue of debate or interest with an open and unbiased mind. This is, I am afraid, the only way to truly hold an informed and edified sentiment in any area, that is reasoned, rational and sophisticated and equally impartial, non partisan and realistically fair. Without such you can never hope to be taken seriously, by others, nor importantly I might add, by yourself. To have any hope of holding a educated opinion you need to listen to both sides of the story and then, and only then, can you truly decide for yourself on your stance in such a way as laid out above.”[11]
Berg, Raffi; The fight against Holocaust denial, BBC News, April 14, 2005 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4436275.stm)
Geyer, Matthias; An SS Officer Remembers: The Bookkeeper from Auschwitz. Part 2: Counting the money of the dead, Der Spiegel, May 9, 2005
Trial date set for ‘Auschwitz bookkeeper’ Groening, BBC News, February 2, 2015 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-31090925)
‘Auschwitz book-keeper’ Oskar Groening sentenced to four years, BBC News, July 15, 2015 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-33533264)
Connolly, Kate; ‘Accountant of Auschwitz’ goes on trial in Germany, The Guardian, April 21, 2015 (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/20/former-auschwitz-death-camp-guard-oskar-groning-on-trial-germany)
Thornhill, Ted; ‘He bashed the baby against iron bars until it was quiet’: Shocking testimony of ‘bookkeeper of Auschwitz’ who told court he saw an SS officer senselessly batter a child to death, Daily Mail, April 22, 2015 (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3050267/Shocking-testimony-bookkeeper-Auschwitz-Oskar-Groening-told-court-saw-SS-officer-senselessly-batter-baby-death.html)
AFP; Oskar Groening profile: the 93-year-old Auschwitz guard in search of ‘inner peace’, The Telegraph, April 21, 2015(http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-two/11550648/Oskar-Groening-profile-the-93-year-old-Auschwitz-guard-in-search-of-inner-peace.html)3
http://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.co.uk/2006/04/when-deniers-are-right.html (see the informative comments and responses in the comments section of this post)
http://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.co.uk/2006/04/i-have-seen-gas-chambers-i-have-seen.html (see the informative comments and responses in the comments section of this post)
Geyer, Matthias; An SS Officer Remembers: The Bookkeeper from Auschwitz. Part 2: Counting the money of the dead, Der Spiegel, May 9, 2005 (http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/an-ss-officer-remembers-the-bookkeeper-from-auschwitz-a-355188-2.html)
Rees, Laurence; Auschwitz : The Nazis & The ‘Final Solution’, BBC Books, 2005. (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Auschwitz-Nazis-Solution-Laurence-Rees/dp/0563522968/) This book is a companion book to the BBC documentary of the same name, and based on that interview video footage.
Thies Christophersen at CODOH.com (http://codoh.com/library/authors/2350/)
Oskar Groning – ‘I saw the gas chambers…’ (https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7622)
Thies Christophersen at Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thies_Christophersen)
Thies Christophersen at Revisionists.com (http://www.revisionists.com/revisionists/christophersen.html)
Thies Christophersen at Metapedia.com (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Thies_Christophersen)
The ‘False News’ Trial of Ernst Zündel – 1988: Thies Christophersen (http://ihr.org/books/kulaszka/14christophersen.html)
Above ‘False News’ Trial chapter from the book ‘Did Six Million Really Die?’ Report of the Evidence in the Canadian ‘False News’ Trial of Ernst Zündel – 1988 by10
See Also* Winter, Peter; The BBC’s Oskar Groening “I Saw the Gas Chambers” Lie, February 3, 2015 (http://peterwinterwriting.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/the-bbcs-oskar-groening-i-saw-gas.html)
* Winter, Peter; The Six Million: Fact or Fiction? (Appendix 4: The Oskar Groening “I Saw the Gas Chambers” Story), 5th updated, revised, corrected, and expanded edition, The Revisionist Press, July 2015 (http://peterwinterwriting.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/the-six-million-fact-or-fiction.html)* The BBC’s Oskar Groening “I Saw the Gas Chambers” Lie, The New Observer, February 2015 (http://newobserveronline.com/bbcs-oskar-groening-saw-gas-chambers-lie/)
Is There A Holocaust Question?Ignore the Thought Police.Read the evidence.Judge for yourself.
Did Oskar Gröning say “I saw the gas chambers” and did the BBC lie?