“Ancient legend has it that many millennia ago, deep in the mists of time, from beyond the northern high mountains of the Himalayas, beyond the Khyber Pass, and far beyond the mountains of the Pāriyātra Parvata, that seven Aryan teachers, known as Rṣis, the Saptarṣi, descended from the Russian steppe and brought with them to northern India the Sanskrit language and sacred knowledge. This numinous Aryan wisdom was later compiled into the sacred texts which we have today, known as the Vedas. This knowledge, which the white teachers brought with them, laid the foundations for what is known today as Hinduism, Brahmanism, and Buddhism. This ancient knowledge is the pillar of these mystical spiritualities.”
Sapienti sat! Veda-Enough!
Nikarev Leshy Sanghrajkara
June 21st 2015