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Sieg der Rassenkraft (Victory of Racial Strength) by Dr. Walter Groß, November/December 1942.
Sieg der Rassenkraft (Victory of Racial Strength) is an article written by Dr. Groß for the 1942 November/December issue of Der Schulungsbrief, pp. 66-77.
[Source: Prof. Dr. Groß, “Sieg der Rassenkraft” Der Schulungsbrief, (November/December 1942), pp. 66-67.]
In ages of weakness, or for weak generations, war is seen only as a destructive phenomenon, which often confuses people as to the meaning of the world and the course of history. To understand it, to give meaning back to life, such ages can only view war as the punishment of God for the presumed sins of peoples or nobles. The views of such weak hearts naturally make the real hardness and bitterness of war even harder to bear; meaninglessness or repentance hurt as deeply as the wounds that war unavoidably causes.
Our generation is experiencing the hardest form of war for the second time within a human life span. It is understandable that war’s sacrifices and privations, its hardness and its wounds, are felt even more deeply, for both times war tore us from our peaceful work and our plans for a better future. Nonetheless, the German attitude toward war today is entirely different today than it was before. National Socialism has raised a new generation with firm spirits and faithful hearts that can recognize the deep meaning and high values of history, even if sacrifice and denial are demanded of the individual. War no longer seems meaningless to us, even less as a punishment for presumed sins. Far more than that, we see in it the natural justice of history, which sweeps away what is outdated, tests what exists, and makes room for the stronger and better. The great law of selection that rules all of nature also applies to the histories of people and nations. Its most effective and hardest tool is war, on which whole peoples and parts of the earth risk everything on the scales of fate, and which cannot be bribed. Outward glitter and deceitful power do not count, but only the true strength of nations.
Thus, war is the test of the racial strength of the peoples, and thus the root of their historical achievements. From the racial-political viewpoint, we can therefore look to the end of the present struggle with confidence. There can be no doubt of the racial superiority of the German people over its opponents.
Since 1933, our racial policy has intentionally pointed out the weaknesses and deficiencies in our own racial-political situation, for it wanted to undertake wide-reaching measures to improve the situation, and to explain them. The declining birth rate had to be reversed, the invasion of foreign-blooded Jewry driven back, diseased and inferior genes eliminated, and a proud new racial consciousness had to be established after decades of democratic-Jewish confusion. But there is also no doubt that, despite all of these dangers, at its core the racial strength of the German people was and is unbroken, and that the successful measures we took after 1933 further strengthened it. Our accomplishments during the World War, our overcoming of the decay of the System Era, our courage during reconstruction, and finally the attitude and conduct of the whole nation at the front and at home since 1933, are happy proof of the strength of blood, despite centuries of danger and neglect. After the takeover of power, that strength was once more cared for, finally taken in the caring hands of a superior leadership both of people and state, whose measures will also close the unavoidable gaps which the current war causes. The wide new fruitful agricultural land we have will, for the first time in centuries, provide the opportunity to realize our racial policies.
Things are different with regards to the racial strength of our opponents. The huge Soviet empire has many people and a high birth rate. The inhumane conditions of Stalin’s paradise undoubtedly weeded out the weak, as we see today in the hardness, ability to survive privation, and toughness of the individual Soviet soldier, since what could die, starve, or freeze, perished in early childhood. However, Bolshevism destroyed the other roots of racial strength. The senseless extermination of the intelligentsia and the gifted, the substitute of the stupid mass for any sign of personality, destroyed and exterminated all creative abilities. The people and nations of the Soviet empire have been uprooted for decades and thrown together. Their once clear racial characteristics merged under the hammer and sickle into bastardized mixed-breeds. Individuals may still be strong and capable of life, but as a group they are uncreative, never able to meet the demands of history.
The situation in America, the Soviet Union’s plutocratic ally, is even worse. For centuries, it has been a melting pot of races and peoples. Vast amounts of good blood from Europe, not the least from Scandinavia and Germany, bought great gifts and valuable traits, but from decade to decade the adventurers and criminals of the Old World found their way to the land of democratic freedoms, spreading all the world’s burdens and vices, all its deficiencies and inadequacies. And more recently, there was steadily increasing mixing with the native or imported foreign races. Indians and Negroes, whites and yellows, were originally kept apart by sound instincts, but in more recent decades unnatural thinking has led to a mixed-breed type that thinks itself the pinnacle of human development, but in truth is nothing but the beginning of inescapable collapse. The “sin against the blood is the original sin of this world, and the death of those resulting from it” — these words of the Führer will find their realization as the pitiless laws of nature apply themselves to Mr. Roosevelt’s confused world.
Both Bolshevism and American plutocracy display a similar racial chaos, but the Americans have a different attitude toward children than their red allies. Birth control and abortion will lead inevitably to the dying out of the valuable families that immigrated from Europe, leading as certainly to the abyss of grotesque race mixing.
In looking at England, we do not want to ignore the fact that in general the English people still have much good Nordic blood and high racial values. Despite that fact, things grow worse each month. That brings us to the final point that is decisive in history: the leadership that a people has. That, too, is part of a nation’s racial condition, and it becomes decisive at the great moments of history.
The English people has largely kept itself free of foreign blood, but over the last two or three generations its ruling class has been infected by Jewry. Ministers, dukes, and members of Parliament still bear old Nordic names, but their strength and attitudes have been broken and destroyed by marrying eastern Jewish immigrants. We do not need to say anything further in this regard about America and the Soviet Union. There, sometimes openly, sometimes through puppets, a foreign Jewish clique has long held power, leading the masses of still capable and useful people toward goals that will do them no good.
The racial superiority of Germany over its enemies is most clear in this regard: the racial unity of leadership and people is the greatest triumph of our racial renewal, the guarantee of our spiritual unity, and therefore of our political and military power. Good leadership can to some degree overcome weaknesses in its people; bad leadership will destroy even a capable people. Where unbroken racial strength is led by the best elements of a people, where leaders and followers are bound to each other and strengthen each other, then the eternal laws of nature fall on the scales of fate in favor of the stronger people, and the goddess of history will give it the victor’s prize, for her favor goes to the strongest.
NOTE: Some grammatical errors, missing and jumbled words in the translation have been fixed in the third essay by Hamilton P. Rudberry and Nathan R. Lawrence.