Perhaps no book is less known, yet more important, than the Shulchan Aruch. Most people have heard of the Talmud-that compendium of Jewish laws, and thus the essence of Judaism. The
Tag: Race
You often hear the argument, superficial as it is and built on ignorance that “I don’t care about race, I judge everyone individually and on the content of their character
Nelson Mandela Dies: A Nationalist Reappraisal, or, Where Would You Have Stood as a Black Person in Pre-1994 South Africa? by Arthur B. Kemp B.A. (Pol. Sci., Intl. Pol., Pub.
It is plainly understood to those that are cast in the Zionist Control Matrix (ZCM) propaganda mill as hateful racists, supremacists and bigots (although their are those whom hate ignorantly)
This article consists of very little commentary on the part of the author, and will predominantly present quotes from National Socialists from the Third Reich era. Only a select few
“A long line of generations is behind every person. . . You are not in the world by accident, but rather are the creation of millions of people, a creature
The following is an edited quote from a collection of Hans Schemm’s speeches from the book, Hans Schemm spricht: Seine Reden und sein Werk. For a more complete translation of the
The following are 6 English translated articles by Prof. Dr. Walter Groß. The first 5 are on the topic of Race and the 6th is on the National Socialist way
First published February 11th 2016 with continuous updates, the latest being January 18th 2023. See end of article for more details. See also, Don’t Be Another White Mug! When We
I Have Met The True Enemy And It Is Me… “Blame them over there!” shouts one man. “No, blame them over there!” shouts another. Now arguing between each other, a third party chimes