This article consists of very little commentary on the part of the author, and will predominantly present quotes from National Socialists from the Third Reich era. Only a select few quotes from other individuals that specifically relate to the topic of what National Socialism actually is will be included. Recommended further reading follows the end of the article. You can read about the National Socialist policy on Race here. – Editor
“And one can never destroy an idea by force alone. An idea can be overthrown only by substituting for it a new idea, which must be better and more convincing and whose representatives are filled with passionate energy. And a negative idea can be replaced only by a positive idea.
Ideas are eternal; they hang in the stars, and a man must be brave and strong enough to reach up to the stars and fetch down the fire from heaven and to carry the torch among men. In world history such men have always been the great prophets and often, too, the leaders of their people . . . Fate never forgives the man who abandons without a struggle what a benevolent providence has put into his hands. ‘What you have inherited from your forefathers you must win anew in order to keep it.’”
– Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Germany Reborn, Chapter VI: Finis Germaniae?,
Elkin Mathews & Marrot Ltd., London, March 1934.
What Is National Socialism? – An Article in Quotes
by Adam O. Corrien, November 15th 2022 (Updated October 6th 2023)
“I can fight only for something that I love. I can love only what I respect. And in order to respect something, I must at least have some knowledge of it.”
– Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. I, Ch. II, Eher Verlag, July 18, 1925. [Source: Dalton translation. p.97, Dual English-German Translation by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., May 3, 2017, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 690 pages. English only translation, p. 70, August 24, 2018. 380 pages.]
“Knowledge is power.”
– Dr. Joseph Goebbels [Source: Irving, David; Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, Focal Point Publications, (Parforce (UK) Ltd.), 1996. Reprinted December 1997. Part II: The Gauleiter of Berlin, Subsection 14: A Blonde in the Archives, p. 112. See also note 38 on page 563 which gives the reference as, “Otto Wagener, MS (IfZ archives); Henry A. Turner, Hitler aus nächster Nähe: Aufzeichnungen eines Vertrauten 1929-1932, 377.”]
“Do not let yourself be disconcerted by the worldwide clamor that will now begin. . . There will come a day when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph. . . The hour will come in which we will again stand before the world, pure and unsullied.”
– Dr. Joseph Goebbels, in a letter to Harald Quandt, April 28th 1945 [Source: Heiber, Helmut; Goebbels, Robert Hale & Company, 1973. p. 350. English translation by John K. Dickinson, Hawthorn Books, Ltd., 1972. Originally published in German as Joseph Goebbels, Colloquium Verlag, Otto H. Hess, Berlin, 1962. Note: First two sentences of the three appear in Mark Weber’s article Goebbels’ Place in History (From The Journal of Historical Review, January-February 1995 (Vol. 15, No. 1), pages 19-21. Second two sentences of the three appear in Heiber’s Goebbels, 1973.)
“You will see, my spirit will arise from the grave and people will realise that I was right.”
– Adolf Hitler (In our last conversation, the Führer in talking of the war suddenly turned around to me and said: “You will see, my spirit will arise from the grave and people will realise that I was right.” – Joachim von Ribbentrop on his last conversation with Adolf Hitler, 1945. Quote from an undated letter by Joachim von Ribbentrop, received by the British government on June 17, 1945. It can be found in the British cabinet papers: The National Archives, Kew, CAB 66/66. cf. David Irving, Hitler’s War and the War Path (London: Focal Point Publications, 2002), p. 823.) In Irving’s book it reads: “You will see . . . My spirit will arise from the grave. One day people will see that I was right.” – Adolf Hitler, Führerbunker, Reich Chancellery, Berlin, April 1945 (Irving, David C.; Hitler’s War, Part VIII: Endkampf, ‘Eclipse,’ p. 823. Focal Point, 2002 (Millennium Edition, completely revised). Originally published April 1977.)
“Adolf Hitler believed that the universe was governed by natural laws, and that for man to be happy and successful, he must first acknowledge that these laws exist; secondly, he must discover what they are; and thirdly, he must live in accordance with them.”
– Martin Kerr, Hitler Made Us Holy Again [Source: Address given at the 2016 / JdF 127 Hitler Festival in Detroit, Michigan.]
“The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith.”
– Adolf Hitler, 5th Reich Party Rally of the NSDAP, Nuremberg, September 1st – 3rd 1933. [You can hear this speech in the Leni Riefenstahl film, Sieg des Glaubens (Victory of Faith) at 30:45. Original German: “Der kostbarste Besitz auf dieser Welt, aber – ist das eigene Volk. Und für dieses Volk – und um dieses Volk, wollen wir Ringen und wollen wir kämpfen. Und Niemals erlahmen; und Niemals ermüden; und Niemals verzagen; und Niemals verzweifeln.” – Adolf Hitler, 5. Reichsparteitag der NSDAP vom 1. bis zum 3. September 1933 in Nürnberg.]
“Whilst National Socialism is a relatively new ideology, it’s actually built on age-old wisdom. It’s a worldview founded in the natural order by which our people has lived for thousands of years, long before ideologies such as nationalism and socialism were conceived, and long before the Christianization of Northern Europe.”
– Simon Lindberg, National-Socialism – The Natural Ideology of the Nordic People [Source: Nordic Resistance Movement, February 15th 2019]
“Everything in this world that is not racially good is like chaff.”
– Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, [Source: Dalton translation,. vol. I, Ch. XI: Nation and Race, p. 352, Redpill Action Publications by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.]
“Nationalsocialism is not about ‘Nationalism’ or ‘Socialism’ as two ideas with different meanings smashed together, it is not about temporal views on economic policy, or any other numerous social questions. It isn’t a matter of philosophy or religion either. The biggest mistake in interpreting Nationalsocialism is believing it is anything more than recognition of those primordial values which already exist and putting it into political form. It isn’t smart or insightful to point out the ‘unoriginality’ of Nationalsocialism, as some do. Because being novel isn’t the point. The point of Nationalsocialism is quite the opposite. It is to recognize about the world the truths which govern it and give life meaning. None of this requires originality or complicated political insight.”
– Nigel Winters, Telegram, July 25th 2022
“The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute therefore the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood. A very simple statement; but it involves a principle that has tremendous consequences. This is probably the first time and this is the first country in which people are being taught to realize that, of all the tasks which we have to face, the noblest and most sacred for mankind is that each racial species must preserve the purity of the blood.”
– Adolf Hitler, Reichstag Speech, January 30th 1937. [Original German (text found here): “Unser nationalsozialistisches Programm setzt an Stelle des liberalistischen Begriffes des Individuums und des marxistischen Begriffes der Menschheit das blutbedingte und mit dem Boden verbundene Volk. Ein sehr einfacher und lapidarer Satz, allein von gewaltigen Auswirkungen. Zum erstenmal vielleicht, seit es eine Menschengeschichte gibt, ist in diesem Lande die Erkenntnis dahin gelenkt worden, daß von allen Aufgaben, die uns gestellt sind, die erhabenste und damit für den Menschen heiligste, die Erhaltung der von Gott gegebenen blutgebundenen Art ist.”]
The below is a longer video of a slightly different translation of the above quote, which is a partial transcript.
“For me and all true National Socialists, there is only one doctrine: People and Fartherland. We have to fight to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and people, the sustenance of our children, the purity of our blood, and the freedom and independence of the Fatherland. Only then may our people fulfill the mission assigned to them by the creator of the universe. All ideas and ideals, all teaching and all knowledge, must serve these ends. Everything must be examined from this viewpoint and turned to practical uses, or else discarded. Thus a theory can never become a mere dead doctrine, since everything must serve life.”
– Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. I, Ch. VIII, Eher Verlag, July 18, 1925. [Source: Dalton translation. p. 409, Dual English-German Translation by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., May 3, 2017, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 690 pages. ISBN-13: 978-0692684153. English only translation, p. 229, Aug 24, 2018, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 380 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1732353220. New 2022 English only edition, vol 1. p. 229. Note: The new, 2022 edition offers updates to the original translation and corrects minor errors. The Dalton translation will become the standard reference for this famous work. See Origin of the 14 Words. Original German: “Für mich aber und alle wahrhaftigen Nationalsozialisten gibt es nur eine Doktrin: Volk und Vaterland.
Für was wir zu kämpfen haben, ist die Sicherung des Bestehens und der Vermehrung unserer Rasse und unseres Volkes, die Ernährung seiner Kinder und Reinhaltung des Blutes, die Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit des Vaterlandes, auf daß unser Volk zur Erfüllung der auch ihm vom Schöpfer des Universums zugewiesenen Mission heranzureifen vermag.
Jeder Gedanke und jede Idee, jede Lehre und alles Wissen haben diesem Zweck zu dienen. Von diesem Gesichtspunkte aus ist auch alles zu prüfen und nach seiner Zweckmäßigkeit zu verwenden oder abzulehnen. So kann keine Theorie zur tödlichen Doktrin erstarren, da alles ja nur dem Leben zu dienen hat.”]
“National Socialism is not a doctrine of lethargy, but a doctrine of fighting. Not a doctrine of good fortune, of coincidence, but a doctrine of work, a doctrine of struggle, and thus also a doctrine of sacrifices.”
– Adolf Hitler, Berlin Lustgarten speech, January 30, 1936 (Source: ‘Adolf Hitler: Collection of Speeches 1922 -1945’, p.287).
“All the great civilizations of the past decayed because the originally creative race died out, as a result of poisoning of the blood. The ultimate cause of such a decline is the fact that the people forgot that all culture depends on men, and not the reverse. In other words, to preserve a certain culture, the man that creates it must be preserved. But this preservation is bound up with the inexorable law of necessity, and with the right of victory of the best and strongest.”
– Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. I, Ch. XI, Eher Verlag, July 18, 1925. [Source: Dalton translation. p. 535, Dual English-German Translation by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., May 3, 2017, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 690 pages. ISBN-13: 978-0692684153. English only translation, p. 293, Aug 24, 2018, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 380 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1732353220. Original German: “Alle großen Kulturen der Vergangenheit gingen nur zugrunde, weil die ursprünglich schöpferische Rasse an Blutsvergiftung abstarb.
Immer war die letzte Ursache eines solchen Unterganges das Vergessen, daß alle Kultur von Menschen abhängt und nicht umgekehrt, daß also, um eine bestimmte Kultur zu bewahren, der sie erschaffende Mensch erhalten werden muß. Diese Erhaltung aber ist gebunden an das eherne Gesetz der Notwendigkeit und des Rechtes des Sieges des Besten und Stärkeren.” Hando (Russell Crowe) from the 1992 film Romper Stomper reads this segment from Hitler’s Mein Kampf from an inferior translation (although this quote is technically still correct) as follows: “All the noble cultures of the past declined because the purity and vigor of the originally created race faded out. They were compromised by the seed of lesser races who were attracted to the works of the superior men. The undeniable reason for their decline was then due to a kind of racial blood poisoning. Racial blood must, then, be preserved in its purity at all costs.”]
“The meaning and purpose which Providence had in mind when it created the different races cannot be investigated by us, human beings, and no theory about it can be laid down. But the meaning and purpose of human organizations and of all human activities can be measured by asking what value they are for the maintenance of the race or people, which is the one existing element that must abide. The people–the race–is the primary thing. Party, State, Army, the national economic structure, Justice etc, all these are only secondary and accidental. They are only the means to the end and the end is the preservation of this nation. These public institutions are right and useful according to the measure in which their energies are directed towards this task. If they are incapable of fulfilling it, then their existence is harmful and they must either be reformed or removed and replaced by something better.”
– Adolf Hitler, Reichstag Speech, January 30th 1937. [Original German (text found here): “Sinn und Zweck der Existenz der von der Vorsehung erschaffenen Rassen vermögen wir Menschen weder zu erkennen noch festzustellen. Allein Sinn und Zweck der menschlichen Organisationen sowie aller Funktionen sind meßbar an ihrem Nutzen, den sie für die Erhaltung des bleibenden und seienden Volkes besitzen. Daher ist das Volk das Primäre. Partei, Staat, Armee, Wirtschaft, Justiz usw. sind sekundäre Erscheinungen, Mittel zum Zweck der Erhaltung dieses Volkes. In eben dem Maße, in dem sie dieser Aufgabe gerecht werden: sind sie richtig und nützlich. Wenn sie dieser Aufgabe nicht genügen, sind sie schädlich und müssen entweder reformiert oder beseitigt und durch Besseres ersetzt werden.”]
“The National Socialist racial idea and the science underlying it do not lead to the underrating or disparagement of other nations but rather to the recognition of the duty to preserve and maintain the life of our own people. Hence it leads inevitably to a natural respect for the life and character of other peoples. It thus frees foreign political activities from those attempts to subjugate other peoples in order to rule them or to incorporate them as a mere numerical mass in one’s own nation by imposing a foreign language upon them. This new idea entails equally great and fanatical devotion to the life and hence to the honour and freedom of one’s own people as it does respect for the honour and freedom of others. This idea can therefore provide an essentially better basis to the effort for a true pacification of the world than the sorting of the nations into groups of victors and vanquished, of those with rights and of those subjugated without rights, from mere considerations of strength.”
– Adolf Hitler, Speech to the Reichstag, January 30, 1934 [Source: ‘Hitler’s Speeches (The Speeches of Adolf Hitler: April 1922 – August 1939): An English translation of representative passages arranged under subjects and edited by Norman H. Baynes’, Oxford University Press, issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1942. Foreign Policy, vol. II, p. 1158.]
“National Socialism means nothing other than applied Racial science.”
– Rudolf Heß, Reich Party Rally, Nuremburg, 1933. Original German: “Nationalsozialismus nichts anderes bedeute, als angewandte Rassenkunde.” [Source: ‘Du und dein Volk‘ (You and your Folk by Kurt Schrey), Herausgegeben von der Reichsleitung der NSDAP, Hauptamt für Erzieher (NSLB), Verlag: Deutscher Volksverlag, Gmbh, Munich, 1940, p. 28). Also quoted earlier in ‘Blut und Boden: Ein Grundgedanke des Nationalsozialismus‘ (Blood and Soil – A Basic Tenet of National Socialism) by Richard Walther Darré, 1936; Sonderdruck aus “Odal”, Monatsschrift für Blut und Boden; Gedruckt in der Reichsdruckerei (Special edition from “Odal”, Monthly for Blood and Soil; Printed in the Reich’s Printing House). Translated from the original German by Nikarev Leshy Sanghrajkara. Note, Prof. Randall L. Bytwerk (Professor Emeritus of Communication Arts and Sciences at Calvin University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA (1985-2014) and Affiliate Professor at LCC International University in Klaipėda, Lithuania (2015-present), translates it as “National Socialism is nothing other than applied racial science.” in his translation of ‘Du und dein Volk.’ On page 115 of Claudia Koonz’s The Nazi Conscience (Harvard University Press, 2005) regarding “racial political projects which Hess often described as applied biology.” she gives a reference (note 53) on page 305 as “NA/A3345-DS-J005/B1. 41. “Opfern und Dienen,” and “Das Aufklärungsamt für Bevölkerungspolitik und Rassenpflege,” NV 1 (July 1, 1933): 10. Weindling, Health, Race, pp. 520-521. Weinreich, Hitler’s Professors, pp. 30, 171.” “Opfern und Dienen” translates as “Sacrifices and Services”, “Das Aufklärungsamt für Bevölkerungspolitik und Rassenpflege” is “The Enlightenment Office for Population Policy and Racial Care” and “NV” is Neues Volk, the monthly publication of the National Socialist Office of Racial Policy.
“When the Deputy Führer, Party member Rudolf Hess, at the NSDAP party rally in Nuremberg in 1933 said that National Socialism meant nothing other than applied racial science, he said at the same time that for National Socialism the question of race is not only the key to understanding world history, as one witty Jew who understood something of politics expressed in one of his novels, but also that the racial question represents the axis of all political considerations of National Socialism. But since no statesmanship of the world can disregard the geographic conditions of the region in which the people live, it is clear from this that the concepts “Blood” and “Soil” become the decisive basic idea of National Socialism.”
– Richard Walther Darré, ‘Blut und Boden: Ein Grundgedanke des Nationalsozialismus‘ (Blood and Soil – A Basic Tenet of National Socialism) 1936; Sonderdruck aus “Odal”, Monatsschrift für Blut und Boden; Gedruckt in der Reichsdruckerei (Special edition from “Odal”, Monthly for Blood and Soil; Printed in the Reich’s Printing House). Original German: “Wenn der Stellvertreter des Führers, Parteigenosse Rudolf Heß, auf dem Reichsparteitag der NSDAP, in Nürnberg 1933 sagte, daß Nationalsozialismus nichts anderes bedeute als angewandte Rassenkunde, so sagte er damit gleichzeitig, daß für den Nationalsozialismus die Rassenfrage nicht nur der Schlüssel zum Verständnis der Weltgeschichte ist, wie es ein geistreicher Jude, der etwas von der Politik verstand, in einem seiner Romane zum Ausdruck brachte, sondern auch, daß die Rassenfrage die Achse aller politischen Überlegungen des Nationalsozialismus darstellt. Da aber keine Staatskunst der Welt die erdräumlichen Verhältnisse des Gebietes außer acht lassen kann, in welchem das Volk lebt, so wird hieraus ersichtlich, daß die Begriffe „Blut“ und „Boden“ zum entscheidenden Grundgedanken des Nationalsozialismus werden.”
“National Socialism is politically applied biology”
– Prof. Dr. Ernst Lehmann. Source: “[1] Ernst Lehmann, Biologischer Wille. Wege und Ziele biologischer Arbeit im neuen Reich, München, 1934, pp. 10–11. Lehmann was a professor of botany who characterized National Socialism as “politically applied biology.”” This reference is from page 26 of ‘Fascist Ecology: The “Green Wing” of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents’ by Peter Staudenmaier from ‘Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience’ by authors Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier, 1995. “ Biologischer Wille” was published by ‘J. F. Lehmann, 1934. 113 pages.’ It is a source for the following quote which appears on page 4: “We recognize that separating humanity from nature, from the whole of life, leads to humankind’s own destruction and to the death of nations. Only through a reintegration of humanity into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger. That is the fundamental point of the biological tasks of our age. Humankind alone is no longer the focus of thought, but rather life as a whole … This striving toward connectedness with the totality of life, with nature itself, a nature into which we are born, this is the deepest meaning and the true essence of National Socialist thought.” As a second source it appears with a reference as follows: ‘Staudenmaier 1995, 26 in Environmental Ethics and Linkola’s Ecofascism: An Ethics Beyond Humanism by Evangelos D. Protopapadakis from Frontiers of Philosophy in China, Vol. 9, No. 4 (December 2014), pp. 586-601 (16 pages) Published By: Brill. The quote is on page 567-587.’
“National Socialism is politically applied biology.” (“Nationalsozializmus ist politisch angewandte Biologie.”)
– Hans Schemm, Der Biologe (The Biologist), vol. 4, 1935, pp. 131, 133. J.F. Lehmanns Verlag, München-Berlin. Volume 4 contains all editions from 1935. The quote is split between these two pages as page 132 is a page from another piece. In addition, the quote by Schemm features in a piece on page 359 of which the whole article is pages 359-362. It is often incorrectly sourced as being “Die Biologe 5 (1926), p. 281.” This is incorrect because 1) the correct source is above and 2) “Der Biologe” only started in 1931. Also, it is “Der Biologe” and not “Die Biologe”. “Der Biologe” translates as “The Biologist.” “The Biology” would be “Die Biologie”.
“National Socialism, fundamentally, is the application of science, not only to inanimate objects and animals, but to mankind himself. . . National Socialism is the inevitable end product, logically, of evolution. If you believe in evolution, you gotta be a Nazi if you think about it long enough. You can’t help it.”
– Cmdr. George Lincoln Rockwell (at 00:42 and 05:32), taken from his speech at the Nation of Islam ‘Saviours Day’ convention in the International Amphitheater, Chicago, with Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X, February 25th 1962 where he was a guest speaker. Rockwell had previously attended a Nation of Islam summit “Freedom Rally” at the Uline Arena, Washington, June 25th 1961. A write-up by Rockwell on the event where he spoke can be viewed here.
“National Socialism is the first attempt by mankind to combine the laws of Nature, which is the force of life itself, with a political idea, expressed in organizational terms.”
– Colin Jordan, A Great Idea, 1976 (See also Selected Quotes of Colin Jordan.)
“National Socialism is really nothing but the application of physical and biological laws to the political, economic, social and religious areas of human life.”
– Povl H. Riis Knuden, National Socialism: The Biological World View, Nordland Forlag, Aalborg (originally published in 1985 as “Nationalsocialismen – Den Biologiske Verdensanskuelse” and expanded and translated into English in 1987.)
“National Socialism is biological determinism, to ensure the survival of one’s own people and race. . . National Socialism believes in the natural order and is opposed to everything which disturbs or will disturb it. The uninhibited abuse of sexuality, drugs, and alcohol, etc., the lack of respect for human life, which is manifested in the abortion of sound and healthy foetuses—in our eyes, all of this is criminal. Not that the old inhibitions and restrictions were always right. Certainly not. And here National Socialism must be seen as a revolutionary renewing process, searching for a positive alternative to the worn-out, modern life-style. Our fight for a united Europe of peoples and against the forces of Darkness began under the sign of the Sun. Through truth it shall end in triumph. The Truth Shall Set You Free—through recognition of this, the will of our ethnic Europe will be strong enough for a new life form of these peoples to prevail.”
– Florentine S. Rost van Tonningen, Triumph and Tragedy: Some Personal Remembrances of Dutch and European History in the 20th Century, Consortium De Levensboom, pp. 211, 213 (Originally published in Dutch in 1990 as “Op zoek naar mijn huwelijksring”. First English printing 1998, translated by P.J. Lemmens)
Regarding the below quote, as Dr. Walter Groß said in 1933, referencing Adolf Hitler, Race is the fundamental value for all that follows (culture, etc.), for the preservation of the Blood of our people is the most precious thing we have because it is the only value that, once lost, we can never regain. And all that would have followed crumbles to dust, impossible to ever be seen again. Simply put, Rasse über alles!
“In ancient times, after all, there was not yet that exaggerated humanity which in our days, even the heaviest medical burden still bred to procreation and thus to repetition and in ever new generations. He consciously puts in the center of his policy the concern for the preservation of the Blood of our people as the most precious thing we have. Because it is the only value that, once lost, we can never regain. And this is also the reason why the National Socialist State in the heart of Europe initially met with such a wait-and-see or, in part, rejecting attitude in the world. After all, the fundamental value it seeks to promote, Race, in the terms of a liberal democratic sex, is still alien and new.” (Original German: “In alten Zeiten gab es ja noch nicht jene übertriebene Humanität, die in unseren Tagen, auch die schwerste ärztliche Belastung noch bis zur Fortpflanzung und damit der Wiederholung und in immer neuen Generationen gezüchtet hat. Er stellt bewusst in den Mittelpunkt seiner Politik, die Sorge, um die Erhaltung des Blutes unseres Volkes, als des köstlichsten was wir haben. Weil es der einzige Wert ist, den wir, wenn er einmal verloren, niemals wiedergewinnen können. Und das ist auch der Grund, warum der Nationalsozialistische Staat im Herzen Europas zunächst auf eine so abwartende oder zum Teil ablehnende Haltung in der Welt stieß. Ist doch der Grundwert, den er zu fördern sucht, die Rasse, in den Begriffen eines liberal demokratischen Geschlechts, noch fremd und neu.”)
– Prof. Dr. Walter Groß, Nürnberger Reichsparteitag der NSDAP, September 1st 1933. Listen to audio here.
“Man does know the principle of “genetic hygiene”, though, and he spends an enormous amount of time and energy on the breeding of horses, cows, dogs, pigeons, parakeets etc. – all according to the best genetic principles, but when it comes to the reproduction of his own kind, he totally abandons these principles – as if they were only valid in the world of animals – and willingly contributes to the total biological degeneration of mankind.”
– Povl H. Riis Knuden, National Socialism: The Biological World View, Nordland Forlag, Aalborg (originally published in 1985 as “Nationalsocialismen – Den Biologiske Verdensanskuelse” and expanded and translated into English in 1987.)
“… the Unity of Blood and Soil must be restored.”
– Richard Walther Darré, from a speech given on June 22nd, 1930 entitled ‘Blut und Boden als Lebensgrundlagen der nordischen Rasse.’ (Blood and Soil as the Foundation of Life of the Nordic Race), which can be found in Um Blut und Boden. Reden und Aufsätze (München: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1940), Pp. 28. Original German: “… die Einheit von Blut und Boden muss wiederhergestellt.”
“I am a National Socialist. I believe that, if there is anything worth fighting for, it is to preserve my own race in possession and control of my homeland, and to see that our resources of all kinds are used to the full betterment of our own nation. That belief is the very basis of National Socialism.”
– Colin Jordan, Why I Am A National Socialist . . . And Why You Should Be, Too (NSM Leaflet, Pheonix Press, 1962). Reprinted in full in ’Twaz a Good Fight! The Life of Colin Jordan by Stephen L. Frost, M.A., N.S. Press UK, 2014, Appendix, p. 335. The old Britons’ bookshop at 74 Princedale Road became the Phoenix Bookshop, and the printing press became the Phoenix Press of the National Socialist Movement. According to Heritage and Destiny magazine (Issue 37, July-September 2009) in which it was reprinted in full (p. 21) they state, “Editor’s note: This essay first appeared in The National Socialist, the newspaper of the National Socialist Movement, Summer 1966.” (See also Selected Quotes of Colin Jordan).
“Peter turned to another argument: “Wouldn’t it be wiser to not add so greatly to our difficulties by defending Hitler’s Germany of 50 years ago which is irrelevant to Britain Today?”
Answered the older man: “The condition of Britain today, causing her condition in the future, is the product of her past, and thus shaped by her catastrophic conflict with the only force in history which has really challenged the whole process of Aryan decline. There lies the relevance!””
– Colin Jordan, A Train of Thought, 1989. (See also Selected Quotes of Colin Jordan).
“…the greatest nationalism and the truest socialism are the same: the spirit of simple service to the community”
– Rudolf Heß, June 13th 1936 [“An das Schulschiff ‘Horst Wessel’,” in Rudolf Hess, Reden (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1938), pp. 191-194.]
“If people are to live reasonably and correctly, they must first learn to think clearly and logically. If someone were to give me the task of explaining our current situation and National Socialist goals in the shortest way, I would answer: National Socialism is the idea of clarity, of naturalness, and of logic. The National Socialist revolution was a change, a transformation, from unclear, confused, almost insane complexity to a simple but clear and true way of thinking and acting for the German people. The individual must have an orderly mind so that he can clearly express the problems, tasks, people, things and issues in a way that a person can really understand them. Clear thinking is National Socialism, logic is National Socialism, and everything that confuses and obscures thinking and action is our deadly enemy, particularly when in this confusion and obscurity a system of deviltry exists that one attempts to support and base on so-called science.”
– Dr. Robert Ley, Internationaler Völkerbrei oder Vereinigte National-Staaten Europas? (Berlin: Verlag der Deutschen Arbeitsfront, 1941).
“A people lives happily in the present and future so long as it is aware of its past and the greatness of its ancestors.”
– Heinrich Himmler [Source: “Zum Geleit,” Germanien 8 (1936: pp. 193-194). Original German: “Ein Volk lebt so lange glücklich in Gegenwart und Zukunft, als es sich seiner Vergangenheit und der Große seiner Ahnen bewußt ist.” Also cited in Peter Paulsen: Axt und Kreuz, Das Ahnenerbe, Berlin 1939 and in Walter Dexel: Holzgerät und Holzform, Ahnenerbe–Stiftung, Berlin 1943. Contemporary English sources: Hassmann, H., ‘Archaeology and the Third Reich’ found in Archaeology, Ideology and Society: The German Experience, edited by Prof. Dr. Heinrich Härke, pp. 65-139. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2002. See also Bernard Thomas Mees, The Science of the Swastika, Central European University Press, 2008, p. 124. Transcription and citation by Nathan R. Lawrence]
“He who would live must fight. And he who doesn’t wish to fight in this world of permanent struggle has no right to live.” (“Wer leben will der kämpfe also und wer nicht streiten will in dieser Welt des ewigen Ringens, verdient das Leben nicht”)
– Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. I, Ch. XI, Eher Verlag, July 18, 1925. [Source: Dalton translation. p. 535, Dual English-German Translation by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., May 3, 2017, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 690 pages. ISBN-13: 978-0692684153. English only translation, p. 293, Aug 24, 2018, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 380 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1732353220]
“He who complains and mutters wears the face of defeat. He who risks life rises to the light of the sun.” (“Wer klagt und zagt, trägt Untergangsgesicht, Wer Leben wagt, der steigt ins Sonnenlicht”)
– Poet Georg Stammler (Ernst Emanuel Krauss), February 28th 1872, Stammheim – May 16th 1948, Giessen. [Source: Wochenspruch der NSDAP. / Herausgeber Reichspropagandaleitung / Folge 42, 13.—19. Oktober 1940. Zentralverlag der NSDAP (Franz Eher Nachf GmbH)., München / G 0088. The quote is also featured in the book ‘Bildende Kunst in Mecklenburg und Pommern von 1880 bis 1950: Kunstprozesse zwischen Zentrum und Peripherie’ by Bernfried Lichtnau, page 437, Lukas Verlag (Libreka GmbH), Mar 31, 2011, 541 pages. ISBN: 9783867328937. The text next to the image reads: “Max Uecker: Siegfrieds Drachenkampf, Tischplatte, 1940, verschollen, Filz- und Lederapplikation, ehem. Privatbesitz Familie Hirchert, Treptow a. d. Rega, Fotographie, o.J., Sammlung Reimar Hirchert, Wardenburg (Reprod.: Sammlung Reimar Hirchert).” with the text at the bottom of the page reading: “Ikonographische Aspekte im Werk des Bildhauers Max Uecker (1887-1978).” Part of the text from pages 436-437 reads: “Für seinen Lehrerkollegen an der Treptower Mädchenmittelschule , Dr. Rudolf Hirchert, hatte M. Uecker neben anderem Mobiliar eine Tisch platte mit der Darstellung von Siegfrieds Drachenkampf in einer Applikation aus Pergament und Filz geschaffen, von der ein Foto überliefert ist. (Abb. 4) Um die Szene in der Mitte zog sich der Spruch: “Wer klagt und zagt trägt Untergangsgesicht, wer Leben wagt, der steigt ins Sonnenlicht”. Dieser Ausspruch stammte von dem völkischen Dieter Georg Stammler (1872-1948) und war Wochenspruch der NSDAP für die Woche von 13. bis 19. Oktober 1940. Der Drachenkämpfer ist dem des Damsdorfer Leuchters ähnlich. Uecker hatte – wie oben bereits erwähnt – schon um 1912 ein Motiv aus der Siegfriedsage auf einem Waffenschrank im Herrenhaus Pumptow gestalter.” Citation and translation by Nathan R. Lawrence.]
“The truly national man thinks socialist, and the true socialist is nationalist! . . . The meaning of the National Socialist worldview is nothing other than this: feeling liberated, thinking völkisch, acting socialist. . . True socialism is that form of political, cultural, and economic attitude which, instead of seeking an inwardly false liberalism, strives instead for the voluntary, socialist binding of every folk-comrade to the state, with their rights and duties corresponding to their nature, their character, and their abilities. . . To be a National Socialist means nothing but struggle, faith, work, sacrifice.”
– Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Das kleine abc des Nationalsozialisten (Elberfeld: Verlag der Nationalsozialistischen Briefe, 1925).
“Third Reich racialism has been deliberately distorted. It was never an anti-“other” racialism. It was a pro-German racialism. It was concerned with making the German race strong and healthy in every way. Hitler was not interested in having millions of degenerates. Today one finds rampant alcohol and drug addiction everywhere. Hitler cared that German families be healthy, and cared that they raise healthy children for the renewal of a healthy nation. German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a striving for excellence, a noble idea. National Socialist racialism was not against other races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its own race, and wished that all other races would do the same for themselves.”
– General Léon Degrelle, Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS, 1982 [Source: “From The Journal of Historical Review, Winter 1982-83 (Vol. 3, No. 4). This essay by Leon Degrelle (1906-1994) was first presented at the Fourth IHR Conference in Chicago (Sept. 1982). In October 2015 the introduction text was revised, and the main text was edited for clarity and to eliminate typos and errors.” It featured, with a slight difference in text in the first sentences on pages 27-28 in the undated Historical Review Press (Uckfield, Sussex) publication with the same name of the talk. The following is of the alternative text: “German racialism has been deliberately distorted. It never was an anti-“other race” racialism…”]
“…understand that which is at the center of our endeavors: the value of blood and race.”
– Prof. Dr. Walter Groß, National Socialist Racial Policy (Nationalsozialistische Rassenpolitik. Eine Rede an die deutschen Frauen), Cologne, October 13th 1934. (Dessau, C. Dünnhaupt, 1934).
“Like all creatures, a human being has to follow the laws of nature. The National Socialist principle that humanity is divided into races, and that the races vary in their nature, abilities, and accomplishments, is an accepted fact everywhere, despite all the Jewish attempts to deny it.”
– Dr. Robert Ley, ‘Das Reich – Kampf und Arbeit für Europa’, Der Schulungsbrief (Das Zentrale Monatsblatt der NSDAP). Berlin, IX. Jährgang. Erstes Heft 1942 (Folge 1./2./3.) Januar/Februar/März. Herausgeber: Der Reichsorganisationsleiter der NSDAP.
“When a people begins to die, when a people no longer obeys the laws of life, when a people values money more than its existence and posterity, this people is on the path to disaster, both historically and politically. Within a few decades it will be dead, oppressed by other peoples who are stronger, closer to life, and who follow life’s laws better than we.”
– Prof. Dr. Walter Groß, National Socialist Racial Policy (Nationalsozialistische Rassenpolitik. Eine Rede an die deutschen Frauen), Cologne, October 13th 1934. (Dessau, C. Dünnhaupt, 1934).
“It is the duty of men and women to continue the eternal chain of life, a chain that begins in the distant past and continues into the future, a chain of which we are only a link leading into the distant future. . . You are mistaken in accusing us of thinking that the only purpose of humanity is to continue the species by passing on our blood to future generations. We know the other values. We support them and find wherever we can those values that the individual shows in his work and selfless service. We know well enough that each person lives a double life. The first is the one he lives between birth and death. We are to do as much as we can to make this life rich, to accomplish that which is good and beautiful, to use our strengths and gifts for others. That is the duty of the individual. But as a person you are something more: You are a member of the chain of life, a drop in the great bloodstream of your people. There, too, you have duties and obligations before the eternity of the nation. You have the duty to pass on what you received from your parents and ancestors. I do not believe that such behavior, which obeys both the laws of reason and of life, is barbaric, hateful, or inhumane. I believe instead that the barbarism is to be found in the years we have left behind us, when any dirty lout could besmirch the most valuable, holy life of a man or women in their families, or drag children through the filth, without anyone defending their culture against such an attack. I believe that when we tell people once more of the great value of blood, and remind them that they have duties not only for the 60-year span in which they work and serve, but also to the millennia of the past from which we come and to the millennia of the future to which we are heading, then we are giving them higher values than those of yesterday. Let me say also, however, that it is wrong if someone thinks that only those who found families and bear children are valuable to our state. We know that is not so. We know there are reasons why some people leave their people’s flow of blood. We know that some are denied what the nation places great value on. We do not ignore them or think ourselves their betters. We only say this: “My friend, you and I must do our duty to our people, and when we cannot fulfill it in one way, then we must do what we can with even greater energy and devotion. When you do your duty, you are one of us, we extend our hand to you, we honor your humanity and your service for Germany. Let us work together so that in the future, as many people as possible will be able to serve the nation in both ways. That is a piece of the thinking of blood and race that National Socialism has taught us.”
– Prof. Dr. Walter Groß, National Socialist Racial Policy (Nationalsozialistische Rassenpolitik. Eine Rede an die deutschen Frauen), Cologne, October 13th 1934. (Dessau, C. Dünnhaupt, 1934).
“We insist only on one thing — a law established by the Creator himself: Man differs from man and race from race in this world. The others may not be better or worse, but they are different than we are, and because they are different than we are, there is a kind of wall between us that is part of the laws of life. That is the core of National Socialism’s racial thinking. Our goal is not to insult others, to say: “What a great guy I am!” Rather, we hold to the humble recognition that each healthy piece of life has its corner of the world, and its special tasks. This is just as true of humans as it is of plants and animals in all their multiplicity. We know that one type is no more valuable than another. But we also know that each variety of life has a right to existence only as long as it keeps itself pure and strong.”
– Prof. Dr. Walter Groß, National Socialist Racial Policy (Nationalsozialistische Rassenpolitik. Eine Rede an die deutschen Frauen), Cologne, October 13th 1934. (Dessau, C. Dünnhaupt, 1934).
“Only very few know that National Socialism is much more dangerous for the present world than an armed uprising. It is the herald of a new era for all of Europe, for the White race itself.”
– Dr. Alfred Rosenberg, ‘National Socialism in the World Struggle’ (Nationalsozialismus im Weltkampf), Völkischer Beobachter, January 27th 1923 [Featured in Rosenberg, Alfred; Blut und Ehre: Ein Kampf für deutsche Wiedergeburt (Reden und Aufsätze von 1919-1933), Kapitel Zwei: Für das neue Reich. München: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., Franz Eher Nachf., 1934. p. 115. Translated into English as Blood and Honor, Preuss, 2009 (Third Reich Books). Chapter Two: The New Reich. p. 89. ISBN: 9781530909346. Quote transcribed and sourced by Nathan R. Lawrence. Original German: “Uber nur sehr wenige wissen, daß der Nationalsozialismus für die heutige Welt viel gesährlicher ist, als ein Putsch. Er ist der Herold eines neuen Zeitalters für ganz Europa, für die Weiße Rasse überhaupt.”]
“Today a new faith is awakening—the Myth of the blood; the belief that to defend the blood is also to defend the divine nature of man in general. It is a belief, effulgent with the brightest knowledge, that Nordic blood represents that Misterium which has overcome and replaced the older sacraments.”
– Dr. Alfred Rosenberg, The Myth of the Twentieth Century, Book I: The Conflict of Values, Chapter I. Race and Race Soul, 1930 (Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, Erstes Buch: Das Ringen der Werte, I. Rasse und Rassenseele), München: Hoheneichen-Verlag, 1930. Original German: “Heute erwacht aber ein neuer Glaube: der Myrhus des Blutes, der Glaube, mit dem Blute auch das göttliche Wesen des Menschen überhaupt zu verteidigen. Der mit hellstem Wissen verkörperte Glaube, daß das nordische Blut jenes Mysterium darstellt, welches die alten Sakramente ersetzt und überwunden hat.”
“A long line of generations is behind every person. . . You are not in the world by accident, but rather are the creation of millions of people, a creature whose blood flows from thousands of sources. . . The history of your people is your own history. . . You sense the honour you owe your ancestors. Now you understand the holy treasure of your own life, your own body, your own soul.”
– Kurt Schrey, Du und Dein Volk (You and Your Volk), Deutscher Volksverlag, 1940.
“You carry in your blood the holy inheritance of your fathers and forefathers. You do not know those who have vanished in endless ranks into the darkness of the past. But they all live in you and walk in your blood upon the earth that consumed them in battle and toil and in which their bodies have long decayed. Your blood is therefore something holy. In it your parents gave you not only a body, but your nature. To deny your blood is to deny yourself. No one can change it. But each decides to grow the good that one has inherited and suppress the bad. Each is also given will and courage. You do not have only the right, but also the duty to pass your blood on to your children, for you are a member of the chain of generations that reaches from the past into eternity, and this link of the chain that you represent must do its part so that the chain is never broken. But if your blood has traits that will make your children unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the heroic duty to be the last. The blood is the carrier of life. You carry in it the secret of creation itself. Your blood is holy, for in it God’s will lives. . . Our highest treasure is the soul that we have been given. He who mixes his blood with that of foreign inferior races ruins the blood and soul that have been given to him to pass on in purity to his children. He makes his children impure and miserable, and commits the greatest crime that he as a National Socialist can commit. But he who follows the laws of race fulfills the great commandment that only like should be brought together with like, keeping apart those things like fire and water which do not mix.”
– Dr. Helmut Stellrecht, Faith and Action, 1938 (Glauben und Handeln. Ein Bekenntnis der jungen Nation. Berlin: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., Franz Eher Nachf. G.m.b.H., 1943).
“The highest and holiest thing that nature gives man for his existence are his genes. This property cannot be acquired or increased by money and gold and does not encompass things that can be bought or sold. It is a property entrusted to us by our creator for us to administer and pass along. It lies hidden in thousands and thousands of living cells that slumber in our body like treasure chambers. They are the carriers of our life and fate and contain all the genetic traits of the body and soul of our ancestors since millennia. Form and essence, feeling and will, thought and deed have their source in these inconspicuous structures, gaining strength and uniqueness from them. These genes decide happiness or suffering, success or demise of a person; it makes him good or bad, strong or weak, talented or not talented. You, too, must recognize and tend this precious property; you must understand the life laws of blood and to serve them, that you dedicate your entire life to them.” (Original German: “Das Höchste und Heiligste, das dem Menschen von der Natur für sein Dasein mitgegeben wird, ist sein Erbgut. Dieses Gut läßt sich nicht durch Geld und Gold erwerben oder mehren, und umschließt nicht Dinge, die gekauft oder veräußert werden können. Es ist ein Gut, das zu verwalten und weiterzugeben wir von unserem Schöpfer anvertraut bekamen. Es liegt verborgen in tausend und abertausend lebendigen Zellen, die wie Schatzkammern in unserm Körper schlummern. Sie sind die Träger unseres Lebens und Schicksals und enthalten alle Erbtümer des Leibes und der Seele unserer Ahnen seit Jahrtausenden. Gestalt und Wesen, Gefühl und Wille, Gedanke und Tat haben in diesen unscheinbaren Gebilden ihren Ursprung, schöpfen aus ihnen Kraft und Eigenart. Dies Erbgut entscheidet über Glück und Leid, Erfolg oder Verderben eines Menschen; es macht ihn gut oder schlecht, stark oder schwach, begabt oder unbegabt.”)
– Hans Belstler, ‘You are Part of the Folk‘ (Du stehst im Volk), 1943; from the section: ‘You carry eternal genes in your blood: Good blood is our genuine wealth’ (Du trägst ewiges Erbgut in deinem Blut: Das gute Blut ist unser wahrer Reichtum). Published by Deutscher Volksverlag GmbH., Munich (Verlag: Deutscher Volksverlag GmbH., München). Translation in English published by Gerhard Lauck of Third Reich Books (NSDAP/AO), Preuss: 2003, USA. Belstler was a teacher/rector at the Ridlerschule in Munich.
“Man has interfered in these matters. He has tried to change the laws of struggle and existence and selection. Those were ancient laws of life, to which men too were subject: That which cannot meet the challenges dies.”
– Prof. Dr. Walter Groß, National Socialist Racial Policy (Nationalsozialistische Rassenpolitik. Eine Rede an die deutschen Frauen), Cologne, October 13th 1934. (Dessau, C. Dünnhaupt, 1934).
“One does not become a National Socialist. One only discovers, sooner or later, that one has always been one—that, by nature, one could not possibly be anything else. For this is not a mere political label; not an “opinion” that one can accept or dismiss according to circumstances, but a faith, involving one’s whole being, physical and psychological, mental and spiritual: “not a new election cry, but a new conception of the world”—a way of life.”
– Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji, Ph.D., Gold in the Furnace, Ch. IX, The Élite of the World, (Calcutta: A.K. Mukherji, 1952).
“… in its essence the National Socialist Idea exceeds not only Germany and our times, but the Aryan race and mankind itself and any epoch; that it ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing Wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal Wisdom of the primaeval forest and of the ocean-depth, and of the spheres in the dark fields of Space; and that it is Adolf Hitler’s glory not merely to have gone back to that divine Wisdom — stigmatising man’s silly infatuation with “intellect,” his childish pride in “progress,” and his criminal attempt to enslave Nature — but to have made it the basis of a practical regeneration-policy of world-wide scope, precisely now, in our over-crowded, over-civilised, and technically over-evolved world, at the very end of the Dark Age.”
– Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji, Ph.D., The Lightning and the Sun, Ch. XIII: The Struggle for Truth, Counter-Currents Publishing, 2015. pp. 218-219. (Originally published Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1958).
“Avoid alcohol and nicotine! They are poisons that retard your growth and weaken your physical and spiritual strength. They make you complacent and clumsy for work, deaden your will and empty your wallet. Young drinkers and smokers are never fully functional. It is a petty bourgeois idea notion that smoking and drinking are a sign of “manliness”. Quite the contrary! Self-discipline and energy are the necessary manly virtues, not smoking and drinking. Take an example from the great men of deed and science. Sven Hedin never consumed a drop of alcohol on his expeditions. Ludendorff, Mackensen, Franco and our Führer Adolf Hitler do not smoke and avoid alcohol.” [Adolf Hitler said:] “Alcohol is a detriment to humanity. The valuable people in our folk it has destroyed or made unusable for the nation in the course of a century is several times the number of the losses on all battlefields during the same period.” – Adolf Hitler (“Völkischer Beobachter” 27.1.20)” [Editor: In the original German the date for the quote by Hitler is given as 31.3.26. It appears Gerhard Lauck of Third Reich Books (NSDAP/AO) who translated the book made a mistake. Always check original source material where possible] (Original German: “Meide Alkohol und Nikotin! Sie sind Gifte und hemmen dein Wachstum und schwächen deine Körper- und Seelenkraft. Sie machen dich unlustig und ungeschickt zur Arbeit, schläfern deinen Willen ein und leeren deine Geldtasche. Jugendliche Trinker und Raucher sind nie voll leistungsfähig. Es ist eine spießbürgerliche Auffassung, das Rauchen und Trinken als ein Zeichen von “Männlichkeit” anzusehen. Ganz im Gegenteil! Es sind Selbstzucht und Energie, also männliche Tugenden, erforderlich, nicht zu rauchen und nicht zu trinken. Nehmt euch zum Vorbild die großen Männer der Tat und Wissenschaft. Sven Hedin hat auf seinen Forschungsreisen keinen Tropfen Alkohol zu sich genommen. Ludendorff, Mackensen, Franco und unser Führer Adolf Hitler rauchen nicht und meiden den Alkohol.” [Adolf Hitler sagte:] “Der Alkohol ist ein Schädling der Menschheit. Was er besonders in unserm Volke an wertvollen Menschen schon vernichtet hat oder für die Nation unbrauchbar macht, ergibt in einem Jahrhundert eine um ein Vielfaches höhere Zahl als die Verluste auf allen Schlachtfeldern in eben diesem Zeitraum.” – Adolf Hitler (Im “Volk. Beobachter” 31.3.26)
– Hans Belstler, ‘You are Part of the Folk‘ (Du stehst im Volk), 1943, from the section ‘You have the duty to be healthy!’ (Du hast die Pflicht, gesund zu sein!). Published by Deutscher Volksverlag GmbH., Munich (Verlag: Deutscher Volksverlag GmbH., München). Translation in English published by Gerhard Lauck of Third Reich Books (NSDAP/AO), Preuss: 2003, USA. Quote edited and transcribed by Nathan R. Lawrence. Editors comments marked [ ]. Belstler was a teacher/rector at the Ridlerschule in Munich.
“It is no exaggeration to say that National Socialism is the re-discoverer of the human body. This is a vital part of its world view and its moral doctrine. Race, the primordial substance of all peoples, is conditioned by the blood. It is predetermined from the beginning and fixed for all times. Blood, the life of the body, is the source of the special spirit that determines all folk characteristics. Through this ideology, the ancient conflict which had dominated the Occident for centuries, tearing it apart in a debate between the struggle between the body and soul, the mortification of the flesh for the sake of the salvation of the spirit, has at last been finally solved. National Socialism has instead returned to the happy unity between form and content, as expressed once upon a time in Classical Greece’s immortal works of art. And like this Greek classicism, National Socialism strives to fully exploit the body’s potential to ensure that it becomes a vessel for moral values as well. Courage, determination, dexterity, and the desire to act must be merged with the human form. The means to this end is sport. National Socialism has directed its call for strength and beauty in a time that has long neglected the body. This neglect has allowed it to atrophy in factories, offices and seats of learning, and placed the critically disintegrating mind as an idol high above any definite achievement. National Socialism has ordered this state of affairs to be halted and reversed.”
– Dr. Friedrich Stieve, Ph.D., New Germany: A Picture Book for Foreign German Youth (Neues Deutschland: Ein Bildbuch für die auslandsdeutsche Jugend), Chapter: A People in Strength and Beauty, Heinrich Hoffman-Verlag, Munich, 1939. English translation by Ostara Publications, 2019. P. 60. Transcribed by Nathan R. Lawrence.
“National Socialist convictions and healthy and orderly outward behavior produce the new person. One’s appearance is the mirror of the soul. An essential characteristic of the Hitler Youth must be to be proud but not arrogant, free but disciplined, and clean.” (“Nationalsozialistische Gesinnung, gesunde und ordentliche äußere haltung ergeben den neuen Menschen. Das erscheinungsbild ist der Spiegel der Seele. Es muß der Wesenszug der hitlerjugend sein, stolz aber nicht überheblich, frei aber diszipliniert und dauber aufzutreten.”)
[Source: Wochenparole der Hitlerjugend, folge 11 (vom 14, 5. bis 20. 5, 1940). Herausgegeben von der Reichsjugendführung Amt Pr., Berlin. This is a sample of a weekly quotation poster issued by the Propaganda Office of the Hitler Youth headquarters in Berlin. Transcribed by Nathan R. Lawrence]
“To be born healthy is a gift from the Creator. He who has that blessing has the duty to preserve and improve his health so that he will be able to serve his people even when of advanced age.” (“Gesund geboren werden ist eine Gnade des Schöpfers. Wer ihrer teilhaftig ist, hat die Pflicht, seine Gesundheit zu mehren und zu hüten, damit er bis ins allerhöchste Alter hinein seinem Volke dienen kann”)
[Source: Wochenparole der Hitlerjugend, folge 7 (vom 16. 4, bis 22. 4, 1940). Herausgegeben von der Reichsjugendführung Amt Pr., Berlin. This is a sample of a weekly quotation poster issued by the Propaganda Office of the Hitler Youth headquarters in Berlin. Transcribed by Nathan R. Lawrence]
“And one can never destroy an idea by force alone. An idea can be overthrown only by substituting for it a new idea, which must be better and more convincing and whose representatives are filled with passionate energy. And a negative idea can be replaced only by a positive idea.
Ideas are eternal; they hang in the stars, and a man must be brave and strong enough to reach up to the stars and fetch down the fire from heaven and to carry the torch among men. In world history such men have always been the great prophets and often, too, the leaders of their people . . . Fate never forgives the man who abandons without a struggle what a benevolent providence has put into his hands. ‘What you have inherited from your forefathers you must win anew in order to keep it.’”
– Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Germany Reborn, Chapter VI: Finis Germaniae?, Elkin Mathews & Marrot Ltd., London, March 1934.
“More and more people every day are opening their eyes and coming to see that Hitler was right. They are coming to see that our real enemies, the people we should have fought, were not Hitler and National Socialists of Germany but world Jewry and its associates in this country.”
– Colin Jordan, National Socialism in Trafalgar Square, NSM Rally, Trafalgar Square, London, July 1st 1962. (See also Selected Quotes of Colin Jordan).
“We are not the Last of yesterday, but the First of tomorrow.” (“Wir sind nicht die Letzten von gestern, sondern die Ersten von morgen.”)
– Helmut Sündermann, February 19th 1911 – August 25th 1972 [Source: Koehl, Matthias; Faith of the Future, second revised edition, 1995. First published Spring 1982 (The National Socialist, Issue IV.)]
“Only he who gives up loses.” (“Verloren ist nur wer sich selbst aufgibt.”)
– Hans-Ulrich Rudel, as quoted in National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future (Selected Writings of Colin Jordan), Nordland Forlag (Aalborg: 1993, p. 22) by Colin Jordan from the article Hitler Was Right! which first appeared in Gothic Ripples (1989). See also Rudel’s autobiography Stuka Pilot which was first published in 1958. (See also Selected Quotes of Colin Jordan).
“Quit compromise in the futile pursuit of electoral victory and instead put quality above quantity in the pursuit of a seizure of power.”
– Colin Jordan, interviewed by Tony Williams for Column 88′ magazine, Issue No. 4, August 1998. Pp. 23.26. (See also Selected Quotes of Colin Jordan).
“National-Socialism has the inherent capacity to prove at least for a very long time an exception to the usual round of decay and revival; in fact this is precisely the proof of its excellence.”
– Colin Jordan, interviewed by Tony Williams for Column 88′ magazine, Issue No. 4, August 1998. Pp. 23.26. (See also Selected Quotes of Colin Jordan).
“The time is yours, and what it will become depends on you.” (“Die zeit ist euer, was sie sein wird wird sie durch euch sein.”)
– Carl von Clausewitz [Source: Wochenspruch der NSDAP. / Herausgeber Reichspropagandaleitung / Folge 37, 8.—14. September 1940. Zentralverlag der NSDAP (Franz Eher Nachf GmbH)., München / G 0088.]
“From the crucible of these years we shall all emerge purified by fire.”
– Rudolf Heß, Prisoner of Peace, London: Britons Publishing Company, 1954, p.63. Transcription and citation by Nathan R. Lawrence
“Come what may, clench one’s jaw, keep a clear head, and march forward.” (“Es mag kommen was will, wir werden die Kiefer zusammenbeißen, die Köpfe klar behalten und vorwärts marschieren.”)
– Der Führer Adolf Hitler, [Source: Wochenspruch der NSDAP. / 14. bis 20. Juli 1940. Zentralverlag der NSDAP (Franz Eher Nachf GmbH)., München / G 0088. Quote, citation transcription and translation by Nathan R. Lawrence.]
“If the light clashes with darkness there is no making of agreements, there is only a fight of life and death until the one or the other part is destroyed.” (“Wenn das Licht mit der Finsternis zusammenprallt gibt es kein Paktieren, da gibt es nur Kampf auf Leben und Tod bis zur Vernichtung des einen oder anderen Teiles.”)
– Dietrich Eckart [Source: Wochenspruch der NSDAP. / Herausgeber Reichspropagandaleitung / Folge 37, 6.—12. September 1942. Zentralverlag der NSDAP (Franz Eher Nachf GmbH)., München / G 0088.]
“Nature is honest, there is no meanness in her composition, she has no time for fools, there is no place in her code for weaklings and degenerates. Out of her strength we gather our own strength. And it is good to be strong, to be able to endure, not as a brute beast, but as a thinking man imbued with the spirit of a great ideal.”
– Francis S. Smythe, The Adventures of a Mountaineer, London: J. M. Dent, 1940.
“Nothing can destroy that which is built in truth. We are the pure gold put to test in the furnace. Let the furnace blaze and roar! Nothing can destroy us. One day we shall rise and triumph again. Hope and wait! Heil Hitler!”
– Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji, Ph.D., Gold in the Furnace, Ch. IV, The Unforgettable Night, (Calcutta: A.K. Mukherji, 1952).
Of course one could be forgiven for not understanding the simple unadulterated truth in the following statement if all you learned of the National Socialist ideology and Weltanschauung was from the propaganda of the Lügenpresse and anti-White establishment “historians” that care more for there career than they do for truth and historical accuracy.
“Somebody once asked me what had attracted me to National Socialism. I replied without a shadow of hesitation: Its beauty.””
– Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji, Ph.D., Gold in the Furnace, Ch. IX, The Élite of the World, (Calcutta: A.K. Mukherji, 1952).
“If I was asked to sum up my experience of the Third Reich in one word, that word would be – Paradise.””
– Wilfred von Oven, 1990 [Source: Rees, Lawrence; Introduction, Auschwitz: The Nazis and the ‘Final Solution’, Random House, 2012. 400 pages, p. 9. First published BBC Books, 2005. ISBN 978-0-563-52296-6]
“In spite of all contrary appearances, we did not fail; we cannot fail. Truth never fails. Heil Hitler!”
– Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji Ph.D., Ch. 14: Against Time, Gold In The Furnace, Calcutta, 1952
“National Socialist resistance did not cease in 1945.”
– Colin Jordan, National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future (Selected Writings of Colin Jordan), Nordland Forlag (Aalborg: 1993, p. 22) from the article Hitler Was Right! which first appeared in Gothic Ripples (1989). (See also Selected Quotes of Colin Jordan).
“Nothing will stop us. As long as I live I shall fight for the right of my Race and Nation. I am proud of being anti-Jewish, because I love my country and hate what the Jews have done to it. I am proud of being a National Socialist . . . .”.
– Colin Jordan, at the Old Bailey, October 1962 [Source: The National Socialist, vol. 1, No. 3, January 1963
The Mythopoeic Power of the Hero. Transcript.
“We have to fight to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and people, the sustenance of our children, the purity of our blood, and the freedom and independence of the Fatherland. Only then may our people fulfill the mission assigned to them by the creator of the universe.
All ideas and ideals, all teaching and all knowledge, must serve these ends. Everything must be examined from this viewpoint and turned to practical uses, or else discarded. Thus a theory can never become a mere dead doctrine, since everything must serve life.”
– Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. I, Ch. VIII, Eher Verlag, July 18, 1925. [Source: Dalton translation. p. 409, Dual English-German Translation by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., May 3, 2017, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 690 pages. ISBN-13: 978-0692684153. English only translation, p. 229, Aug 24, 2018, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 380 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1732353220. New 2022 English only edition, vol 1. p. 229. Note: The new, 2022 edition offers updates to the original translation and corrects minor errors. The Dalton translation will become the standard reference for this famous work. Original German: “Für was wir zu kämpfen haben, ist die Sicherung des Bestehens und der Vermehrung unserer Rasse und unseres Volkes, die Ernährung seiner Kinder und Reinhaltung des Blutes, die Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit des Vaterlandes, auf daß unser Volk zur Erfüllung der auch ihm vom Schöpfer des Universums zugewiesenen Mission heranzureifen vermag. Jeder Gedanke und jede Idee, jede Lehre und alles Wissen haben diesem Zweck zu dienen. Von diesem Gesichtspunkte aus ist auch alles zu prüfen und nach seiner Zweckmäßigkeit zu verwenden oder abzulehnen. So kann keine Theorie zur tödlichen Doktrin erstarren, da alles ja nur dem Leben zu dienen hat.”]
“But when the need was greatest God gave the German people a champion, an unknown soldier of the World War, a man from the people, without rank or possessions or connections, a plain, simple man, but one who had overwhelming genius and greatness of character. A man of the people, Adolf Hitler arose and took German destiny into his clean strong hands . . . And then for all ardent, expectant Germans it seemed as if the beacon of the hidden Germany had lit up the starless night of hopeless despair. The German heart was found again, and with magic power it drew into itself the noblest blood and poured it out again into the people in countless streams of will and strength.”
– Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Germany Reborn, Chapter VII: Adolf Hitler, Elkin Mathews & Marrot Ltd., London, March 1934.
“Adolf Hitler knew that only as the standard-bearer of a new, a greater, a creative idea could his movement conquer, and so he gave it the philosophy of National Socialism, whose sacred symbol now floats victorious over a wonderfully united Germany. The struggle for the new Germany could not be carried on in the name of Nationalism only; it was just as imperative that German Socialism should be represented . . . Much has been written about the National Socialist programme, and still more has it been talked about. Distortions, misrepresentations, misunderstanding and the desire not to understand . . . But our programme has remained unchanged through all the storms and in the future, too, it will remain unchanged as the foundation stone of the new Reich . . . While we National Socialists always remained true to our basic ideas and never allowed anything to alter our principles, in tactics we were always willing to give way and to adapt ourselves to the particular situation.”
– Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Germany Reborn, Chapter VII: Adolf Hitler, Elkin Mathews & Marrot Ltd., London, March 1934.
“To be true, we are fanatics, for nothing big can be achieved without fanaticism . . . Yes, we were white-hot with a fanatical love for our people. But we were fanatical too in our hatred of those who were destroying it.”
– Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Germany Reborn, Chapter X: The Leader, Elkin Mathews & Marrot Ltd., London, March 1934.
“It is something mystical, inexpressible, almost incomprehensible which this unique man possesses, and he who cannot feel it instinctively will not be able to grasp it at all. For we love Adolf Hitler, because we believe deeply and unswervingly that God has sent him to us to save…”
– Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Germany Reborn, Chapter X: The Leader, Elkin Mathews & Marrot Ltd., London, March 1934.
“… There would be a respect for the past glories of our civilization… Thinking is the important thing. Being white isn’t enough. Being English isn’t enough. Being British isn’t enough. Know what you are! … to read about your own culture is a revolutionary act. People are taught to rebel at school and hate our high culture, hate our folk culture – it’s all boring… Knowledge is power. Listen to high music, go into the National Gallery… Look at what we’ve produced as a group… I urge all white people in this era to look into the mirror and to ask themselves, “What do you know about what you are?” And if you don’t know enough, put your hand on that mirror, and move towards greater knowledge of what you can become. We’re all going to die. Make use of that time which remains. Greatness is in the mind and in the fist. The glory of our tribe is not behind us. We can be great again. But the first thing that we have to do is to say, “I walk towards the tunnel, and I’m on my own, and I’m not afraid. And I have no regrets.”
– Jonathan Bowden, “The Art and Philosophy of Jonathan Bowden”, London, September 8th 2007
* What Hitler Believed by Robert S. Griffin, Ph.D., (The Occidental Observer, January 4th 2018)
* What is “Nazism”? by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. (The Occidental Observer, September 14th 2018)
* National Socialism Today by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. (National Vanguard, January 4th 2021)
* National-Socialism for Newcomers by James Harting
* Dr. Alfred Rosenberg explains National Socialism by Dr. Alfred Rosenberg
* National-Socialism According to Dr. Joseph Goebbels by Dr. Joseph Goebbels
* National Socialism and Not Something Else
* National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future (Selected Writings of Colin Jordan) by Colin Jordan
* What is National Socialism? by Simon Lindberg
* Race – Not Country by Simon Lindberg
* National Socialism – The Struggle for a Higher Cause by Sebastian Elofsson
* National Socialism – The Natural Ideology of the Nordic People by Simon Lindberg
* National Socialism – The Organised Will of the People by Sebastian Elofsson
* For Our Race (by Guest Writer)
* To Live as a National Socialist by Klas Lund
* The National Socialist Way of Life by Prof. Dr. Walter Groß
* My Honour is Loyalty by Editorial Staff
* Become a Participant in Life by Cedric Höglund
* Hate Through Love by Simon Lindberg
* The Two World-Concepts in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf (part one and part two) by Guest Writer
* In Defence of National Socialism by Fredrik Vejdeland
* National Socialism and Reactionary Nationalism by Klas Lund
* National Socialism and the Laws of Nature by Simon Lindberg
* Who Are You? by Dr. Helmutt Stellrecht, Hans Belstler and Kurt Schrey
* Race by Hans Schemm
* Articles on Race by Prof. Dr. Walter Groß
* Faith and Action (Glauben und Handeln) by Dr. Helmutt Stellrecht
* Faith and Struggle (Glauben und Kämpfen) published by SS-Hauptamt, 1942.
* Third Reich Books: “Du stehst im Volk” (You and Your Folk) NOT “Du und dein Volk” (You are Part of the Folk)! by Kurt Schrey and Hans Belstler
* On the Topic of Race and Race-Mixing (Miscegenation)