Colin Jordan was one of the most influential postwar National Socialists activists and thinkers, with a political career that spanned over 40 years.

This book, first published in 1993, expounds his views on topics of historical and current interest. It is divided into three sections and contains eleven essays in total.

These essays discuss Adolf Hitler, denounce Strasserites and “Hollywood Nazis,” Richard Walther Darré’s Green movement and Rudolf Hess’s death, before outlining the philosophical principles of National Socialism and makes some practical suggestions for obtaining political power.






Make no mistake about it: this is a dangerous book. The ideas contained in this slim volume are explosive enough to blow the whole power structure of the Western world to smithereens. The author is a bold and eloquent exponent of the most hated, the most feared, and the most reviled creed of modem times: Adolf Hitler’s National Socialism.

Contained herein in concentrated form are the most-forbidden thoughts of the post-1945 era: praise of Adolf Hitler and the defence of his policies; the open advocacy of National Socialism for the entire White race; and a course of action whereby this goal can be attained, even against the most brutal and determined opposition.

The masters of the media are fond of portraying real-life contemporary National Socialists as though they are stock comedy villains who have escaped from some Hollywood movie. Colin Jordan puts the lie to the depiction of the National Socialist as a megalomaniacal madman, spewing mindless hate and frothing at the mouth. He is what may be described, quite precisely, as “the thinking man’s National Socialist.” His thoughts are logical and ordered; he has a sweeping grasp of the past, a lucid appreciation of the present, and penetrating insights into the future. At the same time he writes with a passionate intensity that comes only to those who have absolute conviction in their beliefs. He is coolly analytical or blisteringly critical, depending on the requirements of the topic under discussion. Further, Jordan is no armchair intellectual, and when he writes of building elite National Socialist task forces to implement the “tactics of Otto Skozeny” in the political sphere, he carries the authority of someone who speaks from first-hand experience.

Colin Jordan was born in 1923 and graduated from Cambridge University with an honours degree in history in 1949. He began his political career in the 1940s as a protégé of Arnold Leese, one of the few pre-war British National Socialists who had the courage and the stamina to continue the struggle after the defeat of 1945. Upon Leese’s death, Jordan inherited his house on Princedale Road in London, which quickly became the headquarters of the White Defence League. This was the first organisation which Jordan formed, and in 1960 he merged it with other British racialist groups into the British National Party. Subsequently there was a falling out in the BNP (which is no relation to the current party of the same name) between those who favoured a hard-core advocacy of National Socialism and those who desired to take a more moderate, softer approach. Jordan, of course, led the hard-core group, and from this split came the National Socialist Movement.

As is only fitting for a National Socialist organisation, the NSM was borm in struggle. It was founded on April 20, 1962, and on July 2nd of that year it held its first mass meeting in London’s Trafalgar Square, underneath a forty-foot banner reading “Free Britain from Jewish Control!” Some 5,000 people attended this open-air gathering, including a mob of Jews who quickly became hysterical at the contents of Jordan’s speech. The ensuing riot ended in Jordan’s arrest – and not, significantly, in the arrest of his attackers. More important than his one month’s jail time was the result that the NSM was henceforth not allowed to hold such public meetings. Another consequence of the battle was the decision to form a self-defence arm of the NSM – which resulted in Jordan’s second imprisonment of the year. He got the message: all pretence of democracy and free speech aside, the powers-that-be in Britain were absolutely not going to allow National Socialists the same rights to organise as other political parties.

A lesser man would have been discouraged and given up the fight after such a disheartening initial nine months. Instead, Jordan adjusted his strategy and began a 12-year campaign of political guerrilla warfare by way of propaganda against the British establishment. Perhaps the most striking example of these NSM activities was those which contributed to the defeat of Labour candidate Gordon Walker in 1965. Walker was an outspoken advocate of non-White immigration into Britain. Through countless publicity stunts, through demonstrations, and through disrupting his meetings, Jordan kept the race-threatening nature of Walker’s candidacy in the public eye. So effective were these efforts that a squad of thugs from the Jewish “62 Group” was brought in to silence Jordan. At Walker’s final election meeting in Leyton Baths on January 20, 1965, they attacked Jordan, with shouts of “Kill him! Kill him!” Jordan was brutally beaten and required hospitalisation – but Walker lost the election.

In 1967 Jordan was again jailed, this time for distributing two pamphlets. One of these criticised Jewish domination of British society, and the other, The Coloured Invasion, warned Britons of the perils of the flood of non-White immigration which was sweeping across their shores. Sadly, the age-old rights of native Britons had so deteriorated by this time that even the written criticism of the baleful effects of non-Britons was deemed illegal. Following his release from jail, Jordan reorganised the NSM as the “British Movement,” and it continued as such until his retirement from politics in 1975.

It would take a separate volume to chronicle a complete history of British National Socialism, but there are other achievements of Jordan and the NSM that must be mentioned. During August of the eventful year 1962, Jordan hosted an international meeting of National Socialist leaders in the Cotswolds, England. Among those in attendance were Lincoln Rockwell, Bruno Ludtke, and Savitri Devi. Out of this gathering the World Union of National Socialists was bom, the first attempt to give international structure to the post-war movement. It should also be noted that the NSM published an occasional newspaper, The National Socialist, throughout its history, as well as a manifesto calling for a National Socialist state, Britain Reborn.

Today Colin Jordan is a youthful 68, and is a member of no organisation. His current activities consist of writing, book-selling, and publishing a newsletter, Gothic Ripples.

Even his enemies accord him a grudging recognition of his stature and abilities. Recently the Crown Prosecution Service described him as “the grandfather of British National Socialism.” A spokesman for the Jewish Board of Deputies called Jordan “the guru of British Nazism,” and the venomous “anti-Fascist” rag Searchlight denounced him as “a real Jew-baiter,” which simply means that they find him an effective opponent of Jewish hegemony over Britain. (All quotes taken from the article “Police raid the home of leading neo-Nazi veteran,” Jewish Chronicle, p. l, June 28,1991.)

Such are Colin Jordan’s impressive political credentials.

The reader must judge the impressiveness of Jordan’s ideas for himself.

A word must be said about Colin Jordan’s writing style, which some readers may occasionally find difficult, especially in parts two and three of this collection.

These essays – especially those dealing with a course of action for the Movement – were not written for the casual amusement of armchair racialists or for those “National Socialists” who treat the battle for Aryan survival as a hobby, which they pursue at their leisure, if and when the mood strikes them. Nor are they written for those whose intellectual level can be plotted on the lower half of the IQ bell curve. No, these words were written for the elite of our race: for those who have the strength of intellect to understand the full depth of the National Socialist creed, and who at the same time have the strength of character to actively participate in the National Socialist struggle. Those few Aryans who fall into this category are the readers to whom Jordan is writing.

Nor does he desire that his words be taken lightly. These writings are not intended to be grasped in their entirety upon a single cursory perusal. Rather, the author wants his ideas studied carefully and thoroughly, in both depth and detail. Jordan desires that his target audience read these thoughts not just once or twice but again and yet again. He wants the reader to ponder over them, and to determine by himself their full ramifications. Most importantly, after the reader has fully absorbed these words and has considered their full implications, he wants these essays to serve as a basis for action.

All this is not to say that the author is incapable to expressing himself in a concise and direct manner. Quite the contrary! These essays are packed with eloquent and memorable phrases: “thinking with the blood;” “fragments of the future,” “a revolution in thought;” and “applying the principles of Otto Skozeny to political warfare” are just a few examples of Jordan’s facility with striking and evocative language. When he feels the need he can express himself in a crisp and authoritative manner that slams home key ideas in no uncertain terms: “What fulfils Nature; what benefits the race as a servant of Nature; what benefits National Socialism as a servant of the race; is good: what does not is bad. That which truly seeks and secures this good is right. That which does not is wrong. No other, command to the contrary can be accepted by National Socialists.”

Whatever difficulties a reader might have with the author’s style are more than amply compensated for by the richness and brilliance of his ideas. These essays require time and effort and thought, but they repay the energy expended many times over.

The thoughts expressed here are not going to please everyone. They are not intended to. The ruling powers in Britain will not be happy to see a collection of the writings of this most persistent and troublesome enemy of theirs. Perhaps they will ban the distribution of this book within the United Kingdom. Likewise, there are those within the racialist movement – and maybe even some who consider themselves as National Socialists – who will disagree with part of what Jordan has to say. So be it.

In Schopenhauer as Educator, Friedrich Nietzsche explains, “I consider every word as useless behind which does not stand a call to action.” Such is the attitude of Colin Jordan. If enough of the right people read this book and determine to put the ideas it contains into effect, the entire structure of the Old Order will come crashing down – and a New World for Aryan humanity will be built amid its ruins.

I. The Past: Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany

The following six articles show the perfect blending of Colin Jordan’s deep insight into National Socialism, his interest in history, and his determination to discover and proclaim the truth.

Hitler Was Right!” is the first of three essays which appear here written to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Adolf Hitler in 1989. It is an eloquent, persuasive, and defiant defence of Hitler and his policies. It first appeared in issue 20/21 of Colin Jordan’s newsletter, Gothic Ripples.

Adolf Hitler: Man Against Time” is the second of the commemorative pieces. It originally appeared in the NS Bulletin, publication of the New Order. Here Jordan follows the exposition of Savitri Devi in describing Hitler as a superhuman personality who through the force of his own will and genius sought to reverse the decay of Aryan humanity.

Adolf Hitler: Man of the Century” is the third of the centenary essays. This is a more personal appraisal of the founder of National Socialism, in which the author discusses the meaning of Hitler and the effect he had on his own life. It is reprinted from the League Sentinel.

The Enemy Within” answers various charges laid against Hitler and National Socialist Germany by some of those today who profess sympathy to National Socialism, but whose real sympathy only extends to Hitler’s rivals, and not to the Author of the National Socialist Idea and Founder of the Movement himself Another Gothic Ripples reprint.

Book Review: Blood and Soil,” reprinted from the National Review, reviews Anna Bramwell’s biography of Walther Darrй. Jordan uses the occasion to comment on National Socialist agricultural policy and to further answer criticisms of Hitler by present-day National Bolsheviks.

Murder at Spandau,” also from Gothic Ripples, discusses the background of the historic flight of Rudolf Hess, his post-war imprisonment, and his eventual murder by the British in 1987.

II. The Present: National Socialism Today

Colin Jordan does not consider National Socialism to be merely or even primarily a matter of historical interest or nostalgia – quite the contrary. In these two articles, written 15 years apart, he deals with National Socialism in a modem context.

National Socialism: A Philosophical Appraisal” first appeared as the lead article in the premier issue of National Socialist World‘, an ideological journal published in the 1960s by the World Union of National Socialists.

In it, the author places National Socialism in its proper historic perspective as a movement of “rebirth” and “renewal,” centered around the Folk, or racial community, and which is characterised by “thinking with the blood.”

National Socialism: World Creed for the Future” originally appeared in the Winter, 1981, issue of the WUNS journal The National Socialist, under the title “National Socialism: Our World Creed in the 1980s.”

In this major essay, Jordan charts a course of strategic and ideological development for the Movement. Many consider this to be his most important work to date. – Editor

III. Into the Future: The National Socialist Vanguard

Perhaps the most controversial and yet the most important of Colin Jordan’s writings are those which deal with building an effective revolutionary movement which can seize power. These essays and articles are written with the British political scene in mind but they can be applied with little or no modification to the United States or any Aryan land.

Building the Vanguard” is excerpted from a longer essay of the same name which first appeared in the November, 1981, issue of Colin Jordan’s newsletter, Gothic Ripples. In it, the author discusses the psychological attributes required of a National Socialist revolutionary, and gives practical recommendations on the training of Movement cadres and the building of local cells.

Party Time Has Ended” is reprinted from the National Review. Here Jordan further develops his conception of the National Socialist vanguard task force as the necessary alternative to conventional party politics.

A Train of Thought” was privately printed by the author in booklet form in 1989. In it he continues his thoughts on building and training an elite National Socialist vanguard, with special emphasis on recruitment and hypothetical activities. – Editor


Letter to Gerald Kaufman, M.P.

Biographical Note

Born 1923. Education leading to the study of history at Cambridge University, 1946-49, there graduating with an Honours Degree. Subsequently a representative for the north of Scotland for a major firm, and then a teacher until banned from teaching because of out-of-school activities. Active in a succession of political organisations between 1946 and 1962, in which latter year founded and led the National Socialist Movement. Imprisoned in 1962 for organizing an elite formation in that Movement and for a “Hitler Was Right!” speech in London’s Trafalgar Square. Again imprisoned in 1967 for literature on the issues of Jews and Coloured immigration. Headed the British Movement, which replaced the N.S.M. in 1968, till withdrawal from it in 1975 because of personal commitments. Since then has confined himself to writing and to literature sales.

Note: After a lifetime of service to his race, John Colin Campbell Jordan passed away on 9 April 2009 at his home north of Harrogate, Yorkshire, aged 86 years.
