The Reality of Third Reich/Hitler views on Slavs
UPDATED: February 11th 2020
Judeo-Communist propaganda would have you believe that the Third Reich and Hitler in particular held an extremely negative view of Slavs. However, the reality is that this view was held towards Bolsheviks, and not Eastern Europeans in general.
. Review
. Listen to a May 1 2015
on AFP between Patrick Cloutier and Dave Gahary on the book, Raciology.
First issued in 1942 by the SS head office under the direct orders of Heinrich Himmler, The Underman has ever since been portrayed as “anti-Slavic,” “anti-Russian,” and “anti-Jewish.” In fact only the third allegation has any truth to it. The “anti-Slavic” and “anti-Russian” claims are merely the product of postwar propaganda, reliant on the fact that almost no one would have the chance to actually read the publication for themselves.
The reason for this was that after the war, the Allied occupying powers in Germany ordered all copies of the publication seized and burned. As a result, only a tiny handful were saved, and it is from one of these very few surviving copies, that this edition has been prepared.
In addition to its rarity, the text has also never been correctly and fully translated into English (until now), a fact which has greatly eased the task of those seeking to distort what it actually says.
Ideologically hostile Jewish propagandists have, for example, engaged in outright forgery and misrepresentation of its contents, while a single translation made by an ideologically sympathetic postwar publisher suffered from serious grammatical and translation distortion errors.
This edition is therefore the very first complete and accurate translation into English of this 52 page oversize booklet.
Far from being anti-Slavic, the reader will see that the SS Head Office publication portrayed Russians as victims of Communism—and then specifically blamed Jews as being behind Communism, and, ideologically speaking, inheritors of a far older, far eastern attack on Europe which had started with Genghis Khan and the Mongols.
Nowhere in the SS book are the Slavic people denigrated, and in fact many of the traditional Slavic nations are mentioned in text and photograph as being part of the greater European family. European nations specifically mentioned in this book include Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.
The suffering of ordinary Russian people under the Soviet system forms a large focus in this work, and at all times great sympathy is evoked for these victims of Communism: men, women and children alike. Special mention is made of their awful living conditions, inflicted by the Soviet economic collectivization system, and always condemned only as the result of Communism.
In addition, the economics, social structure, art, and even freedom of religion under the Soviet state is dramatically and graphically compared with Germany—and elsewhere in Europe.
Finally, after reviewing numerous Soviet atrocities and Communist secret police torture chambers discovered during the German advance into the Baltic states and the Ukraine, this SS book ends with a dramatic series of photographs showing the murderous intentions of the Soviet state—and a warning that if the European people did not unite and together fight off the attack by the “Jewish-led Underman,” then Europe itself would be destroyed.
This high-quality reproduction is not a “Photostat” but a fully digitally restored copy taken directly from a rare 1942 original. A superb-quality digital copy taken from the original: contains the full original German and combined with the first fully professional completely accurate and complete English translation. This special edition contains both the unaltered German-language original, followed by an English–language copy, with the translated text inserted in exactly the same position on the pages, in order to best represent the original meaning. In this way, the original German and the English can be compared for clarity’s sake. Purchase your copy here.
Above left: Photos of the chapter ‘Slavs’ from March of the Titans: History of the White Race, Vol I. – Awakening: The Rise of Western Civilization.
In addition, the below was a statement/question posed after the photos were taken. Please read in full before commenting.
QUESTION – ToporPeruna said:
“Aryo-Slavs = r1a1, Celto-Germanics = r1b totally different haplogroups. We are not related by genetics. And racially – Protoaryan-Slavic peoples were Nordic, Protogermanic peoples were Cromagnoid. Germanic languages are considered Indoeuropean only because they were influenced by true Aryan languages. WE ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT, FOREIGN TO EACH OTHER. So what union ? What unity ? Based on what ?”
“Please bear in mind that R1a and R1b are just male lineages, and that there are in fact three types of DNA: Y Chromosomes (from the male line); mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the female line, and autosomal DNA (which is “all the rest.) It is autosomal DNA which gets mixed up the quickest, and which determines eye colour, skin colour etc.
Having said, that, it is important to understand that R1a and R1b are NOT vastly different.
They are what is called “subclades” or divisions of a single Haplogroup, called, unsurprisingly, Haplogroup R. They have a common root, and that is why they have the same “R” prefix. It borders on the desperate to claim that they are racially different.
Actually, it is simplistic even to talk just of “R1a” and “R1b”.
There are even further subclades present across all of Europe. Dubclades R1a1a-M17 and R1b1b2-M269 are their names and they are found at varying frequencies across Europe, including Eastern Europe,
R1a frequency ranges from 63.39% in the Sorbs, through 56.4% in Poland, 54% in Ukraine, 52% in Russia, Belarus, to 15.2% in Republic of Macedonia, 14.7% in Bulgaria and 12.1% in Herzegovina. (see Peričić, Marijana, et al.. 2005. High-Resolution Phylogenetic Analysis of Southeastern Europe Traces Major Episodes of Paternal Gene Flow Among Slavic Populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2005 22(10), http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/10/1964.abstract)
So it is not even true that ALL peoples of Eastern Europe are “R1a” as the writer you quote alleges.
According to Cruciani et al.; “Human Y chromosome haplogroup R-V88: a paternal genetic record of early mid Holocene trans-Saharan connections and the spread of Chadic languages”. European Journal of Human Genetics 18 (7): 800–7 (http://www.nature.com/ejhg/journal/v18/n7/abs/ejhg2009231a.html?fbclid=IwAR17L2-TLmVGUbyZeBAIPJ00yCHyyo4jT6eUw-CIvVZh_n9Zi5CeP2n253c) R1b runs at around 20 in all of Eastern Europe.
This figure varies of course, from region to region.
In fact, most European peoples are mixtures of the main Euro haplogroups, and even in the “purest” DNA regions of Europe (Ireland for example, caused by geographical isolation), the R1b frequency runs at 80%, with the rest mainly R1a.
In a nutshell then, one can say the following:
1. There is very little real difference between “R1a” and “R1b” (and their subclades)–and it is utterly false to claim a racially different origin; and
2. All European populations show traces, at varying levels, of both haplogroups.
In other words, I think this is a silly and pointless debate!”
Forbidden History of Russia (Запретная история Руси)
Where do the Slavs come from?
About Slavic peoples
Further study below…
Hitler vs. the Untermenschen: Myth & Reality by Guillaume Durocher Counter-Currents, March 2016.
The Heretics’ Hour: Resolving “The Slav Question?” (audio)
The Heretics’ Hour :Hitler and the Slavs (audio)
Hitler and the Slavs in Historical Perspective by James Harting
The Mythopoeic Power of the Hero by Kevin Alfred Strom
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