All Hail Saint Stephen of Lawrence Day!
Today, April 27th marks the state mandated and controlled media backed memoralization and deification of Stephen Lawrence; the young black man from Plumstead in Southeast London that back on April 22nd of 1993 was murdered in a racially motivated attack.
Former Prime Minister Theresa May, whilst attending the 25th anniversary of his death on April 23rd 2018, declared that from 2019, April 22nd would be seen as “Stephen Lawrence Day” and an annual national commemoration.
The murder of Lawrence also “exposed” and highly publicized the “institutional racism” within the ranks of the “Police, other public services and British society as a whole.” Although this was later shown to be a complete fabrication.[1] Yes, the same police that are so racist towards non-Whites that out of fear of being called racist they covered up the industrial scale nationwide rape and murder of young White girls by Muslims.[2] The same police that tell White men they should not apply for the police department[3]. The same police that enforce State sanctioned soviet style hate crime laws.[4] The same police whose poster-boy and figurehead for diversity recruitment turned out to be a member of a Muslim child rape gang.[5] Yes, that same officer that was the first appointment for the Police’s “Positive Action Co-ordinator, PC Amjad Ditta, whose role involves helping to recruit, maintain and promote under-represented groups.”[6] The same police that operate for a State that protects paedophiles[7] and a State whose welfare system favours minorities over its majority population of native White Britons.[8]
The only thing that our tolerance is achieving is the destruction of our British and European homelands[9] and the inevitable apocalypse of a future for our Children.
But back to Lawrence; National newspapers are asking us what WE can do to “support the national commemoration”[10], our Television screens are plastered with him image and name (although regardless you should really cancel your TV license), our police are pledging support for the day of cult like worship[11], #StephenLawrenceDay is trending on Twitter and the usual suspects and blue tick celebrities are clambering over each other in competition to virtue signal; including Keir Starmer, the conflicted new leader of the Labour Party[12] who stated:
“Today marks #StephenLawrenceDay, where we remember the life of a young man murdered in a racist attack. In these difficult times, Stephen’s story reminds us to focus on bringing about positive change and inspires us to fight for a more just, fair and equal society.”[13]
And whilst all this cult like religious fervour is happening, absolutely nothing is mentioned by these sniveling anti-White traitors about or calling for a state sanctioned and controlled media backed national commemoration day to be setup for the numerous racist murders of young White men by the protected “angels of diversity”.
So lets take a moment to remember those victims of diversity and multiculturalism; the forgotten White Britons tortuously, brutally and savagely murdered on our very own streets for being nothing other than White. And if your’re asking yourself ‘what White victims of anti-White racist murder’?, outside of the thousands raped as mentioned above, then here are a few names to begin your research with: Kriss Donald was kidnapped, tortured and murdered at aged 15 for being White. Ross Parker was horrifically beaten with a hammer and stabbed to death at age 17 for being White. Gavin Hopley was savagely beaten to death aged 19 for being White. Richard Everitt was stabbed to death at age 15 for being White and Christopher Yates was kicked to death at 30 for being non other than White and non-Muslim.
One thing you can be sure of is that these White victims of the failed diversity and multiculturalism experiment will, unlike Lawrence, have no national day of remembrance for them, no charitable trusts[14], and nor will celebrities clamber to have their names trending with a hashtag in their names.
Ask yourself why this is happening, and why you, your friends and your parents likely don’t know their names. As with many things, when it comes to St. Lawrence, we’re living in a mad-house.[15]
Patriotic Alternative will do their best to change this.
- See also White Victims of Diversity.
1] Dennis, Norman, Erdos, George and Al-Shahi, Ahmed (2000), Racist Murder and Pressure Group Politics: The Macpherson Report and the Police, Civitas: The Institute for the Study of Civil Society, [PDF]. See also the Civitas report: Institutional Racism and the Police: Fact or Fiction?
2] Britain IS a Racist Country, Rotherham: 1400 White Girls Sexually Abused by Muslims, Girl Raped by 500 Men is Prosecuted by the Police. Telford is the worst.
3] British Police – White Men Need NOT Apply
4] EXPOSED: Britain’s Soviet Style Hate Crime Laws
7] How The British State Protects Paedophiles
8] How the British Welfare System Favours Muslims
9] Tolerance: A Sickness Destroying the West, How High Is Your Tolerance?
Here you will find the unedited version of the piece I wrote for Patriotic Alternative (I respect the editing done for the PA website edition).