Dalai Lama warns Europe could become ‘Muslim or African’ if migrants are not returned to home countries
by Chris Dyer, Daily Mail, June 27th 2019
Dalai Lama says ‘Europe belongs to the Europeans’ and suggests refugees return to native countries
by Zamira Rahim, The Independent, September 14th 2018
Dalai Lama says ‘Europe belongs to Europeans’ and refugees should return to their native countries
by Bhvishya Patel, Daily Mail, September 12th 2018
Dalai Lama tells Piers Morgan refugees fleeing Middle East should return home
by Joseph Curtis, Daily Mail, September 22nd 2016
Dalai Lama says ‘Germany cannot become an Arab country’ warning Europe has taken ‘too many’ migrants
by Simon Tomlinson, Daily Mail, June 1st 2016
Dalai Lama says ‘too many’ refugees in Europe
by Afp, Daily Mail, May 31st 2016
Dalai Lama: ‘It’s impossible for everyone to come to Europe’
by Martin Robinson, Daily Mail, September 14th 2015
June 11th 1959, Mussoorie, India. Miguel Serrano meets the Dalai Lama. The meeting took place on the same day that he turned twenty-five, having recently arrived in India after his escape from Tibet. [1959, 11 JUNIO. MUSSOORIE, INDIA. Miguel Serrano conoce al dalái lama. El encuentro se produjo el mismo día que este cumplía veinticinco años, recién llegado a la India después de su huída del Tíbet.]
November 5th 1984, New Delhi, India. Miguel Serrano and the Dalai Lama. Both had participated in the funeral of Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, who had just been assassinated. [1984, 5 NOVIEMBRE. NUEVA DELHI, INDIA. Miguel Serrano y el dalái lama. Ambos habían participado en las exequias de Indira Gandhi, primer ministro de la India, que acababa de haber sido asesinada.]
Left-Right: Serrano’s son José, Miguel Serrano, Dalai Lama (1959)
1970 aprox. Viena, Austria. Dolma y Miguel Serrano. Esta perrita tibetana fue un regalo que le hizo el Dalai Lama poco antes de que en 1962 dejara definitivamente la India para servir a Chile como embajador en Yugoslavia.
My Farewell to the Dalai Lama
by Miguel Serrano, The Mercury ( Santiago ), July 3, 1962.
1959. Artículo. «Encuentro con el Dalai Lama» en El Mercurio (23-8-59); y La Prensa (22-12-63).
My father was Chilean ambassador to India and a friend of the Dalai Lama, whom we met on our journeys to the Hindu Himalaya after his escape from Tibet. His name was Miguel Serrano, a legendary figure. He used to say that an Avatar can never die, and He was right!#DalaiLama pic.twitter.com/KQ7t62gJv0
— José Miguel Serrano (@SerranoRosselot) July 5, 2021