Nelson Mandela Dies: A Nationalist Reappraisal, or, Where Would You Have Stood as a Black Person in Pre-1994 South Africa?
by Arthur B. Kemp B.A. (Pol. Sci., Intl. Pol., Pub. Admin)
December 5th 2013
Commentary on the news of the death of 95-year-old Nelson Mandela will vary tremendously, from fawning obsequience and hero-worship in the mass media, to outright condemnation by “right wing” commentators
I would like to take a different approach, not only because I want to be different, but also because this is something which I really believe and which the “right wing” would do well to consider.
The time has come for all honest pro-European activists across the world to take on a new perspective of this African nationalist.
Yes, Mandela was a Communist.
Yes, although Mandela personally did not kill anybody, and never set off any bombs, or even shoot a gun in anger—he certainly had the intention to do so and the organization which he founded—the ANC’s armed wing—most certainly did kill people.
And Mandela was certainly no friend of white people, no matter how the media tries to spin it.
Yes, the current state of South Africa is shocking.
But I would suggest that the current state of South Africa was inevitable, and would have occurred even if Mandela had never lived.
The knee-jerk condemnation of Mandela as the cause of South Africa’s problems, is a typically “right wing” misunderstanding of the story of the political development of South Africa.
I know, because this was the line I was fed as a youngster in Southern Africa, and, sadly, believed for a long time—until I became wiser and realized it was just another lie of apartheid.
The reality is that the ANC only resorted to “armed struggle” some 50 years after its foundation. During those prior five decades, it had sought to end white minority rule by protests, mass demonstrations, strikes, stay-aways and so on.
The state, however, refused to contemplate black rule, and cracked down on the ANC—using force.
From Mandela’s perspective therefore, it can be argued that the resort to “armed struggle” was a reaction to the state’s violence against opposition to Apartheid.
And, contrary to the “right wing” version of history, this is in fact completely accurate. The ANC resorted to violence and, yes, terrorism, after its five decades of peaceful attempts to end white rule.
Think about it for a minute: if you had been a black person in pre-1994 South Africa, what would you have done?
The time has come to be completely honest about this: if I had been a black in South Africa in the pre-1994 era, I would have supported the ANC and the armed struggle as well. And so would all of my “right wing” friends in South Africa—had they been black.
The truth is that any objective observer cannot “blame” Africans for wanting to rule themselves, not be ruled by whites and for eventually taking up arms to achieve this goal.
Quite frankly, that is a perfectly normal human reaction, and I would expect it of any healthy people.
No healthy race wants to be ruled by others.
Why would you, except if you were sick?
Now I know that Mandela was an self-admitted socialist. He described himself as such (see Sampson, Anthony (2011) [1999]. Mandela: The Authorised Biography. London: HarperCollins) and one of the main pieces of evidence during the Rivonia Treason Trial was a hand-written document by him called “How to be a Good Communist.”
I know that the ANC committed many gruesome atrocities in its “armed struggle.” But I also know, from personal experience of my four years’ national service in South Africa from 1985-1988, that the state was prone to violence as well. It was a cycle of violence, each outrage feeding the next in an ever-increasing spiral.
But all of this aside: the true meaning of Mandela is that here was a man, fully committed to the liberation of his people at whatever cost, who held true to this belief and never wavered.
Even though you may personally not like his ideology or what was done in his name (and, given the outrageous black-on-white murders in South Africa which are still occurring), you cannot get away from the fact that from his perspective, he stood by his principles and never faltered, even though the personal cost was massive.
The desire of Africans to rule themselves in their nations, free of white rule, as personified by the life of Mandela, in fact justifies the demand of Europeans to rule themselves in their nations.
Think about it. Instead of condemning Africans for wanting to rule themselves, pro-European activists should accept that it was wrong for Europeans to colonize the Third World—and therefore, that it is equally wrong for the Third World to colonize European lands.
Instead of condemning Africans for doing what any healthy people would do, “right wingers” should give up the old, tired and failed rhetoric, and instead be looking for a “European Nelson Mandela” to help lead them away from the path of extinction on which they are currently headed.
Arthur Benjamin Kemp was born of a British father and a Dutch mother in Southern Rhodesia in 1962. Educated in South Africa, he holds a degree in Political Science, International Politics and Public Administration, having studied at the University of Cape Town and the University of South Africa.
He worked as a journalist on a major national daily newspaper; in the South African Police, as an international risk consultant; as a retail market analyst for a blue chip company in the UK; and as a public relations consultant. He has written numerous books, including his famous March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race (also available here: 1999, revised, reprinted 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, expanded and updated 2009, 2010, updated 2011, reprinted 2012, 2013. 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, completely rewritten and updated ____) and owns and operates his publishing company, Ostara Publications which centres on Eurocentric history, politics, and study.
He has also written Race and Racial Differences (2022), The Children of Ra: Evidence for Ancient White Egypt (2011, updated 2017), The War Against Whites (2020), The Lie of Apartheid (2009), Victory or Violence: The Story of the AWB in South Africa (1990, 2008, 2012, updated 2021), The Immigration Invasion (2008, updated 2017 and ____) , Jihad: Islam’s 1,300 Year War Against Western Civilisation, Nova Europa: European Survival Strategy in a Darkening World, Folk and Nation: Ethnonationalism Explained, and Four Flags: The Indigenous People of Britain.
His full biography can be viewed here which also discussed who said what at the Chris Hani trial.
His occasionally updated personal blog can be found here.
- October 27th 2009 (Radio Free Mississippi with Jim Giles and Arthur Kemp) here.
- May 16h 2016 (Radio 3Fourteen with Lana Lokteff and Arthur Kemp) here. Transcript here.
- September 16th 2020 (with Patriotic Weekly Review with Mark Collett and Arthur Kemp) here and here.
- March 16th 2021 (with Patriotic Weekly Review with Mark Collett and Arthur Kemp) here.