“About three years after we had been in existence as the Imperial Fascist League, we found that Sir Oswald Mosley was muscling in to the Fascist field of politics.
He had the money and we had not, and as he was a well‑known figure in democratic politics and did not attempt to face the Jewish issue (how could he with his first wife the grand‑daughter of Levi Leiter, the flour‑cornerer of Chicago?) he took what little wind there was out of our sails for a time. But in his case, the political crooks and cranks aforesaid did not get slung out; they stayed in!
In the end, there remained Mosley “fans” and nothing else. Mosley’s advent was a disaster to Fascist development in Britain, for it prevented the best elements in the country from associating themselves with any Fascist movement for some years; Mosley’s Kosher Fascism got newspaper publicity, and the special support of the Daily Mail, whilst the Imperial Fascist League was left in a position of comparative obscurity. Mosley’s supporters appeared in strength to oppose us whenever we held a public meeting; the President of the Oxford University Jewish Society correctly summed up the position in writing to the Jewish Chronicle (29th September, 1933): “Our greatest supporters in the fight against the Imperial Fascists are the Mosley Fascists themselves”. It was a case of Quantity versus Quality. On one occasion in November, 1933, a meeting of ours at Trinity Hall, Great Portland Street, was attacked on a pre‑arranged signal by a large body of Mosleyites which greatly outnumbered our men and General Blakeney and other speakers were badly hurt; in my own case, I was attacked by 26 men, thrown to the ground, half‑stripped of my clothes, struck on the face with a leaden “kosh” and much bruised by kicks. The object of this attack was to finish and silence the Imperial Fascist League, but it had the opposite effect.
Why do Jews and Mosleyites always judge us by themselves?”
You can read Leese’s “Kosher Fascism in Britain” about Mosley here.
Fmr. Cncllr, Capt. Dr. Arnold Spencer Leese, M.R.C.V.S. Click image to enlarge.
In a letter dated December 31st 1939 “veteran Fascist” John Coast wrote to Capt. Henry Hamilton Beamish regarding Mosley:
Click image to enlarge.
“Mosley, I feel sure more than ever, is a conscious or unconscious Jew or Jew-tool. His paper Action is now quite useless, and his egotism nauseating. Under no circumstances can he be considered as a serious political proposition, but merely a dago comic who is a safety valve. Blast him, for he has likeable qualities, including a fine straight left, and a wrist and nerve of steel in a scrap!”
– John Coast [Source: Holmes, Colin; Searching for Lord Haw-Haw: The Political Lives of William Joyce, Routeledge, 2016. pg. 306. Note 131 (page 316) that accompanies it reads, in part, “Intercepted letter, 31 December 1939, in KV 2/884, 12A.”]
This letter (image left) can be found on page 70 of the free PDF (when you sign in, for free). This will be document named “KV-2-884_2.pdf (Images 99 – 184)”.
Regarding the images below, sourced by Nigel Winters, the image with yellow highlighted text: From the November/December, 1962 issue of “The Northern European.” Edited by Colin Jordan.
Click image to enlarge.
Click image to enlarge.
Yockey also wrote negative of Oswald Mosley. Or at least on his behalf, had published negative truths regarding him.
“Perhaps some ill-informed group of people somewhere in Europe would vote for him (Mosley), in the mistaken belief that he had something in common with Hitler and Mussolini. This attempt to deceive has failed like the others, but if there is anywhere in Europe one man who is still unconvinced of the charlatanism of Mosley, let that man read the Mosley sheet Union. There we will find the Enemy terminology use in toto, references to “Gestapo tactics,” cheap sneers at Hitler and Mussolini, who are alleged to have held narrow views and to have failed, whereas Mosley’s mind is broad and he has succeeded. Decriers of Fascism are welcomed into the Union Movement with open-arms, and criticism of the role of Jewish Washington, Churchill, Truman, and of the Jewish nation is verboten.”
The World In Flames: The Shorter Writings of Francis Parker Yockey (Centennial Edition Publishing, 2020), Pp. 478-9.
‘In 1927 Henry Williamson published his novel Tarka the Otter which won the Hawthornden Prize in 1928. It has never been out of print.
In 1935 he visited the National Socialist German Workers Party Congress at Nuremberg and was greatly impressed, particularly with the Hitler Youth movement, whose healthy outlook on life he compared with the sickly youth of the London slums. He had a “well-known belief that Hitler was essentially a good man who wanted only to build a new and better Germany.” Opposed to war and believing that wars were caused by Jewish “usurial moneyed interests”, he was attracted to Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists and joined it in 1937.
On the day of the British declaration of war, he suggested to friends that he might fly to Germany to speak with Hitler to persuade him away from war. Following a meeting with Mosley later that day, however, he was dissuaded from his plan [Editor: See above yellow image]. At the start of WWII, he was briefly held under Regulation 18B for his political views.’
Henry Williamson
German: Der Führer hat gestern ein schlechtes Urteil über Mosley abgegeben. Mit Recht. Ganz meine Meinung. Er ist kein großer Mann. Alles nur Kopie. Wie anders dagegen Degrelle. Er ist ganz eigengewachsen.
English: The Führer passed a negative judgement on Mosley yesterday. Rightly so. My sentiments exactly. He is not a great man. All a mere copy. How different Degrelle is. He’s grown into his own.
21 October, 1936: Elke Fröhlich (ed.), Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, Part 1, Vol. 3/II, p. 220.
Hitler was right again!
See also A.K. Chesterton’s ‘Why I Left Mosley’ (National Socialist League, 1937) and his ‘The Importance of Being Oswald’ (London Tidings, number 85, November 1947). Both of these articles can be read in this publication found here and here. These can also both be read below.