A few select quotes by Don Miguel Serrano on Hitler, Wotan, Kalki, the tenth and final avatar of Vishnu, the Kali-Yuga, the White Horse, the Flaming Sword, and Sleipner. Also contained are a few by Savitri Devi. Last updated: September 20th 2023. Also see Hitler on “The Man To Come” and What is Esoteric Hitlerism.

“There is nothing more truthful than Legend and Myth.”
– Miguel Serrano, The Ultimate Avatar (Adolf Hitler, el Último Avatãra),
Part I: Memories of the Archetype (The Leader),
Solar Publishing (Editorial Solar), 1984. 2000
(Español, cuarta edición. 652 páginas). ISBN: 958-9196-21-7
“Kalki, riding a white horse, will close the Kali-Yuga, the Iron Age of the Greeks, the Darkest Age, which is to say, the present time. He will appear within a vortex of the final catastrophe and will come to judge. The author of this book argues this incarnation of the divinity Vishnu-Wotan is announced by Adolf Hitler (The Man To Come) who has already made his glowing appearance and must return with his Ultimate Battalion (the Wildes Heer, Furious Order of Wotan-Odin) on the edge of catastrophe, to save his Folk and judge their enemies. Miguel Serrano is not alone in holding this view. Savitri Devi kept it in India almost as a new religion.”
– From the description from the original back cover of Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, 1984, by Miguel Serrano
“In that sort of final judgment described by Aryan India as the coming of Kalki (Tenth Avatar of Vishnu) on a White Horse, and Esoteric Hitlerism as the return of the Führer, awakened, reborn from his dream, his “mystical death” beneath the ice…”
– Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, Part I: Memories of the Archetype (The Leader), 1984

“…Kalki, who will come to judge, mounted on a White Horse, carrying a flaming sword, like a comet… The return of the Führer…”
– Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, Part I: Memories of the Archetype (The Lord of Darkness), 1984
“..the Fourth Reich, where the Lord of Valhalla, Wotan, materializes fully, able to reach what his Avatar, in the Darkest Age of the Earth, was prevented from fulfilling. It will be the triumphant return of the Führer, as Kalki, on the White Horse of Eight Legs.”
– Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, Part II: Beyond the Archetype (Woewre), 1984

“The Tenth Avatar, Kalki, who will come mounted on the Eight-Legged White Horse of Wotan. . . In the case of the Third Reich of Hitler meaning Mystic Death, prelude to the Resurrection of the Fourth Reich, with the coming of Kalki-Wotan and his Eight-Legged White Horse, carrying the Science of Individuation, of Absolute Personality, or the Eight Paths of Buddhist Liberation. His Rune is SIEG, Victory.”
– Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, Part II: Beyond the Archetype (The Three Norns, The Three Reich’s), 1984
“The Führer of the Aryans will come mounted on a White Horse with eight legs, by the name of Sleipnir.” He will also be called Kalki and he will also be Wotan. He will now come to conquer, rescuing the last of his warriors, the imprisoned heroes of the Darkest Age.”
– Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, Part II: Beyond the Archetype (Ice), 1984

“My Maestro also went in search of Hitler, like Hermod, the Messenger of the Gods. And he found him beneath the Earth. He called to him, but He did not come. His hour had not yet come. He will return at the end of this hard time, riding Sleipsnir, the Eightlegged, or Eight-Pathed, the White Horse of Kalki. In his right hand he will grasp the Flaming Sword of a Comet. And he will come to rescue his heroes, his Wildes Heer. To defeat the Enemy forever.”
– Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, Part II: Beyond the Archetype (Death Of Baldur), 1984

“…the coming of the Avatar, Hitler, a premonition of the future Kalki.”
– Miguel Serrano, The Ultimate Avatar (Adolf Hitler, el Último Avatãra), Part II: Beyond the Archetype (Polar Physiology), Solar Publishing (Editorial Solar), 1984. 2000 (Español, cuarta edición. 652 páginas). ISBN: 958-9196-21-7
“Because if Hitler never wanted the war, the Avatar did want it. And if Hitler, as Führer, wanted to win the war quickly, the Avatar never wanted that. The Avatar has always been at war, since the beginning of time. And forever winning by losing here, on this plane of the representation of the Demiurgic Will. For him, as for the Jew, the Second World War was only a battle in the Great War.”
– Miguel Serrano, Manu: For the Man to Come (The True Operation Barbarossa), 1991. Wewelsburg Archives, 131 AH. p. 47-48. Original Spanish:
“Porque si Hitler no quiso nunca la guerra, el Avatara si la quiso. Y si Hitler, como Führer, deseó ganar la guerra pronto, el Avatara no lo pretendió. El A vatara ha estado siempre en Guerra, desde el comienzo de los tiempos. Y, siempre, la gana perdiendo aqui, en este plano de representación de la Voluntad Demiúrgica. Para El, como para el judio, la Segunda Guerra Mundial sólo fue una batalla en la Gran Guerra.”
– Miguel Serrano, Manú, “por el hombre que vendrá” (La verdadera Operación Barbarroja), 1991. p. 41.
“In the whole history of Creation there is no more than one War, one Great War, which is still ongoing.”
– Miguel Serrano, The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism (The Rosicrucianism, Today the Gral is in the Andes), The Palingenesis Project, Wermod and Wermod Publishing Group (London: 2017). p. 289. Translated by Alex Kurtagić. Original Spanish:
“En toda la historia de la Creación no hay más que una Guerra, una Gran Guerra, que aún no termina.”
– Miguel Serrano, El Cordón Dorado: Hitlerismo Esotérico (Los Rosacruces, Hoy el Gral está en los Andes), 1978. Editorial Solar, Seguna Edición, 1992. p. 225.
Below is what Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji, Ph.D. has to say:

“Savitri Devi was a supremely cultured woman with deep philosophical, philological and classical knowledge; a student of history, mythologies, symbols and comparative religion. An absolute Hitlerist until the end of her life on this earth. Now she resides in Asgard. Even beyond all these things she was the High Odinic Priestess of Esoteric Hitlerism. She was first to recognise the emergence of the Avatara and the divinity of Hitler. She erected a temple in India to Adolf Hitler and became a priestess to the cult of his memory. She kept the faith, guarding the sacred flame, by illustrating her own books with the influence and inspiration of the Führer while living in India. A faith destined to prevail and succeed mystically and magically on all continents and the future Millenia, if this sacred flame, this faith, is guarded and burns.”
– Miguel Serrano, Santiago, December 15th ano 95 (1984). Wehrwolf Jugend.
“But the Führer was much more than a politician. He was an Incarnation of the divine Energy that fights to save whatever still appears to deserve to survive, be it in this dark age. . . The real reason—to me—why we did not (could not) win the war (and that is the point I put forward in my book The Lightning and the Sun, written 1948-56,. . . is that our Führer was not the last great Incarnation of the present Time cycle, but at the most the one before the last. He was “both Sun and Lightning” all right (all fighters against the current of decay are; have to be) but He had in Him “too much Sun, not enough Lightning,” because only the last one (the one the Hindu Scriptures call the “Kalki” avatar) will be equally Sun and Lightning, and will win, and open a new Time cycle, beginning, as all Time cycles do, with a “golden Age” on the ruins of this wretched one.”
– Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji, Ph.D, in a letter to Don Miguel Serrano, New Delhi, March 28th 1980
“And such a fate awaits, always, until the very end of any Time-cycle, those who are too magnanimous, too trusting, too good; those who put too much confidence both in foreigners and in their own people; those who do not “purge” their following often enough and thoroughly enough; who love their people too much to suspect ingratitude or actual treachery where it lies; who are not merciless enough, and sometimes spare their, fleeing enemies; in one word, those who, like Adolf Hitler, have, in their psychological make-up, too much “sun” and not enough “lightning.” Be He, himself, but the last one in date of these, come back with superhuman might after apparent annihilation, or a new one altogether, “Kalki” will avenge them and the people who struggled at their side, for no visible result whatsoever, in their days. And then, He will make their apparently impossible dreams the living reality of the next great Beginning!”
– Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji, Ph.D., The Lightning and the Sun, Ch. III: Men in Time, Above Time and Against Time, (Calcutta: A.K. Mukherji, 1958). pp. 53-54.
“It is within the logic of Tradition that the “tenth” and last — Kalki — should also be born as a member of the privileged race. Will He be none other than He whom I have described as the One-before-the-last Man “against Time” — Adolf Hitler — returning with more-than-human power? There is no reason why this should not be, provided the inspired Leader still be alive, and provided the world becomes, within his life-time, ripe for the great End (which would in no way be a wonder, at the rate decay has set in everywhere, after 1945). The terrible experience of defeat through treason, and the sight of the systematic degradation of his people through far subtler and deadlier means than the ridiculous “denazification” rules and regulations, would probably be enough to rouse the Führer’s “Lightning” qualities until they balance in him the “Sun” ones and make him a new man, — infinitely more merciless than he was in his first career. But even if it be not so; — even if Adolf Hitler really be dead in the flesh, as an increasing number of his faithful ones believe, — still one is, considering things in their essence, justified in saying that “Kalki” will be he, come back. For “Kalki” will be all Men “against Time,” come back. He will be the exponent of all that for which everyone of them fought in vain against the ever more powerful current of decay — the very current of history; — the exponent of that eternal cosmic Order, the earthly projection of which is the “reign of righteousness” mentioned in the Bhagavad-Gita. He will be both He Who spoke to the Aryan warrior, Arjuna, — and to all Aryan warriors — on the Kurukshettra Field, and He Who spoke to the German people — and to every racially — conscious individual Aryan of the world — from Hofbräufestsaal, from Luitpold Arena, and from the German Reichstag. For the two are the same One: the One Who came back, and Who will come back again.”
– Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji, Ph.D., The Lightning and the Sun, Part V: Epilogue (Kalki, the Avenger), (Calcutta: A.K. Mukherji, 1958). pp. 433-434.

“Thou art the Father of the world— of all that move and all that do not move. Thou art the object of its worship, its most venerable Teacher. There is no one equal to Thee; how then, in the three worlds, could there be another superior to Thee, Ο Thou of incomparable might?”
– Bhagavad-Gita, Ch. 11, V. 43