LAST UPDATED: Sept 18th 2023
It is highly recommended that you also view Hitler on ‘The Man To Come’ (The Quotes Behind the Claim) and Miguel Serrano on Hitler-Wotan-Kalki.
“At its core, Esoteric Hitlerism is the understanding and belief that Adolf Hitler was something more, something far greater than simply a mortal man who took political power in the early 20th century in Germany. It is a belief that teaches that Adolf Hitler was an enlightened, supernatural and divine being; an avatar and messenger of the Divine forces to save the world; a guardian of the eternal truths that express the essence of the Universe – the living embodiment of the Wotan archetype, of the collective unconscious; the closest thing to a living God. For those few that are true seekers, then I urge you to read The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler by James L. Battersby, Lightning and the Sun by Dr. Savitri Devi Mukherji and the Esoteric Hitlerist trilogy by Don Miguel Serrano. This is Esoteric Hitlerism, reject all imitations. As has been said, ‘For those outside the mythos, no explanation is possible, for those on the inside, no explanation is necessary.'” – N.L. Sanghrajkara
The below five quotes were taken directly from a now defunct part (due only to Adobe Flash Player no longer being supported) of the official Miguel Serrano website, which was accessed by clicking the Lotus in the top right hand corner. Thankfully a supporter noted them down back in 2016 and sourced them, adding the original Spanish as originally on the quotes themselves were given.
“This secret I’ve kept for many years… Once it is told, my own life’s adventures will be better explained, particularly my voyage to Antarctica in 1947-48.” (Original Spanish: “Este secreto lo he guardado por muchos años… Una vez dicho, se explicarán mejor las aventuras de mi propia vida, en especial mi viaje a la Antártida, en 1947-48”.)
– The Golden Thread, Esoteric Hitlerism ( El Cordón Dorado, Hitlerismo Esotérico)
“The Hitlerist Cosmogony was revealed to me in Antarctica in 1948, shortly after the end of the Great War. It was during my lonely search for the dog lost in the ice and during my first encounter with the Disc of Uncreated Light. Beyond the cogitated thought and the memory in the brain, the revelation was instantaneous, forever forgotten and remembered, so that within only twenty years it has again come to the surface, enabling me to collect it in the ‘unremembered memory’ and to transcribe it in the ‘Esoteric Hitlerist Trilogy’. But it was there yonder, on the Rock of Sils Maria, at the feet of Nietzsche, that it resurfaced, expanding itself.” (Original Spanish: “La Cosmogonía Hitleriana me fue revelada en la Antártida, en 1948, poco después de terminada la Gran Guerra. Fue en mi búsqueda solitaria del perro perdido entre los hielos y en mi primer encuentro con el Disco de Luz Increada. Más allá del pensamiento pensado y del recuerdo en el cerebro, la revelación fue instantánea, olvidada y recordada para siempre, de modo que sólo hace veinte años ha venido a emerger nuevamente, pudiendo recogerla en el ‘recuerdo no recordado’ y transcribirla en la ‘Trilogía del Hitlerismo Esotérico’. Pero fue allá, en la Roca de Sils María, a los pies de Nietzsche, que resurgió, ampliándose”.)
– Memories of Him and Me: The Return, vol. 4 (Memorias de Él y Yo: El Regreso, vol. 4)
“I feel as if the years have not passed; yet, they have passed. I feel as if I have not grown old; yet, it might be that I have grown old. Bit by bit I have been realising my oeuvre, as if guided by someone. In case the years have indeed passed, in case I have indeed grown old, I will have to testify to certain things that I know, and which I know no other has in his attic, stored away for over thirty years, but new, as if from yesterday—things not transmitted, unused until present day. They involve the last Great War, which was as great as the Mahabharata’s, and greater still, because it points to the end of times, of a whole Manvantara, cosmic and terrestrial. Whoever may pretend to regard that tragedy as one more World War has not understood anything of what came to pass. Those of us who lived it, even in ‘the last corner on Earth’, have been marked in our very essence and will forever remain unable to forget.”
“Mine will not be an outmoded revelation, even though it has remained hidden in an old attic for more than thirty years; because the war has yet to end.” (Original Spanish: “Me parece que los años no han pasado; sin embargo, han pasado. Me parece que no he envejecido; sin embargo, pudiera ser que haya envejecido. Poco a poco he ido realizando mi obra, como si alguien me dirigiera. Por si los años realmente hubieran pasado, por si en efecto hubiera envejecido, deberé dejar testimonio de ciertas cosas que sé y que ningún otro tiene en el desván, guardadas durante más de treinta años, pero nuevas, como de ayer, sin comunicar, sin usar hasta el presente. Se trata de la última Gran Guerra, que fue tan grande como la del Mahabharata, y más aún, porque señala el final de los tiempos, de todo un Manvantara, cósmico y terrestre. Quien pretenda considerar esa tragedia como una Guerra Mundial más, no ha entendido nada de lo acontecido. Los que la vivimos, aun en ‘el último rincón del mundo’, hemos sido marcados en las esencias y nunca podremos olvidar”.
“Mi revelación no será anticuada, aun cuando haya permanecido oculta en un desván viejo de más de treinta años; porque la guerra no ha llegado a su fin”.)
– The Golden Thread, Esoteric Hitlerism ( El Cordón Dorado, Hitlerismo Esotérico)
“The events of an individual life do not count, they are destined to perish, to the void… He lives who has been able to include himself in the fire of a Hyperborean Archetype.”
“But I am not of this time, nor of this world, nor of this day. I come from another star. I come from the Morning Star. I care not to lose it all, even my life. Besides, the motto on my blazon is ‘My honour is called loyalty’. Yes, loyalty to the ideals, to the dreams, to the glories of the night of the past, to the ghosts of the vanished comrades, to all that which is lost in the projected light of the martyred Earth, to the nostalgia of a Golden Age, when the heroes still lived among us, when the Gods spoke to us. Because I am one of those who spoke with the Gods…” (Original Spanish: “Los hechos de una vida individual no cuentan, están destinados a la muerte, a la nada,… Únicamente vive quien ha sido capaz de incluirse en el fuego de un Arquetipo Hiperbóreo”.
“Pero yo no soy de este tiempo, ni de este mundo, ni de estos días. Vengo de otro astro. Vengo de la Estrella de la Mañana. Y no me importa perderlo todo, incluso la vida. Además, el lema de mi blasón es: ‘Mi honor se llama lealtad’. Sí, lealtad a los ideales, a los sueños, a las glorias de la noche del pasado, a los fantasmas de los camaradas desparecidos, a las sombras doradas, a los ecos de sus pasos, a las viejas calles y ciudades, a todo aquello que se escapa en la luz que proyecta la tierra martirizada, a la nostalgia de una Edad de Oro, cuando los héroes aún vivían entre nosotros, cuando los Dioses nos hablaban. Porque yo soy uno de esos que hablaban con los Dioses…”.)
– Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar, Edition: The New Age, Santiago de Chile, 1984 (Adolf Hitler, el Último Avatãra, Ediciones La Nueva Edad, Santiago de Chile, 1984. Editorial Solar, 1987.)
“There was a moment, in the legend of my life, that it was given to me to go outside of space-time, passing into another dimension, in order to be directly instructed by the Avatar about the origin of our struggle and its purpose.”
“I have lived a glorious, magic life, directed by chance full of meaning, governed by the Norns and Fatality. More glorious still were the lives of my Master and the Führer.
I have done nothing that was not preordained, I have written nothing that had not been transmitted from some place not known to me and that I cannot, nor desire, to reach, in order not to lose the Kairos, nor infallibility. Because the Gods love secret and mystery. I am not an author of books, but of a Work, which gradually expands and is completed within this space-time continuum, in the belly of the Saturn-Kronos Aion, always the same in the rounds of the Eternal Return, or ‘with small variants, which alter, however, neither their meaning nor their fatality.’” (Original Spanish: “Hubo un momento, en la leyenda de mi vida, en que me fue dado salirme del espacio-tiempo, pasando a otra dimensión, para ser directamente instruido por el Avatãra sobre el origen de nuestro Combate y su finalidad”.
“He vivido una vida gloriosa, mágica, dirigida por los azares llenos de sentido, regida por las Nornas y la Fatalidad. Más gloriosas aún fueron las vidas de mi Maestro y la del Führer.
Nada he hecho que no haya sido predestinado, nada he escrito o dicho que no me haya sido transmitido desde algún lugar que desconozco y que no puedo ni deseo alcanzar, para no perder el Kairos, ni la infalibilidad. Porque los Dioses aman el secreto y el misterio. No soy un autor de libros, sino de una Obra, que se va ampliando y completando dentro de este espacio-tiempo, en el vientre del Aion Saturno-Kronos, siempre igual en las Rondas del Eterno Retorno, o ‘con pequeñas variantes, que no alteran, sin embargo, su sentido ni su fatalidad’”.)
– Manu. “For the Man to Come”. 1991 (The New Age, Santiago de Chile). Editorial Solar, Bogotá, 1991, 2004 (Manú. “por el Hombre que Vendrá”. 1991 (La Nueva Edad. Santiago de Chile). Editorial Solar. Bogotá, 1991 y 2004)
Hitler Avatāra by Martin Friedrich
Clemens & Blair, August 2023
Truth suffers because of man’s descent into godlessness. From age to age, man descends further, distancing himself ever more from God. It is therefore necessary for God to appear on earth, as Avatāra, to defend the interests of his adherents and the quality that remains on earth. God’s descent to man is periodic; God’s presence among those who uphold his tenets is eternal.
Truth reached a pinnacle in the life of Adolf Hitler. Faith in eternal Truth is the essence of Hitler’s work; it is the bedrock of the future. Truth accords with Nature. Man’s task is to uphold Nature’s standard with all means necessary. This accordance with Nature lends substance to Hitler’s work and gives it a timelessness that, if subverted, precipitates degeneracy.
Hitler and his creed were, are, and will continue to be demonized and persecuted — because they stand for the Divine Order of Nature. Today we see an inversion of natural values and the arrival of a usurping slave-morality — one that espouses the prevailing dogma of man’s “innate dignity” and “equality,” which are two of the principal tenets of modernity. The defenders of modernity want nothing more than to sow hatred and disparagement of Hitler. They are doomed to fail.
Hitlerism rejects the “dignity” and “equality” dogma despite the consequences. The Hitlerist has no benefit of historical victory and armies of believers; he is the man of faith par excellence. He plans, waits, and creates the conditions for the restoration of Nature’s divine order.
See also the fake quote, which sadly Don Miguel Serrano fell for, ‘National Socialism is more than politics.’ Whilst not incorrect, this particular quote is fake. Click “Read More” for the full article with sources which exposes this quote as fake. This is in regard to Rauschning and his fraudulent book Hitler Speaks. Rauschning is a well known fraudster in his written words and never once met Hitler.
Rausching and his fake quotes:
“Savitri Devi was a supremely cultured woman with deep philosophical, philological and classical knowledge; a student of history, mythologies, symbols and comparative religion. An absolute Hitlerist until the end of her life on this earth. Now she resides in Asgard. Even beyond all these things she was the High Odinic Priestess of Esoteric Hitlerism. She was first to recognise the emergence of the Avatara and the divinity of Hitler. She erected a temple in India to Adolf Hitler and became a priestess to the cult of his memory. She kept the faith, guarding the sacred flame, by illustrating her own books with the influence and inspiration of the Führer while living in India. A faith destined to prevail and succeed mystically and magically on all continents and the future Millenia, if this sacred flame, this faith, is guarded and burns.”
– Miguel Serrano, Santiago, December 15th ano 95 (1984). Wehrwolf Jugend.
Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition
by Savitri Devi
Chapter 10 of Souveniers et réflexionsd’une Aryenne
(Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman)
Jonathan Bowden on Savitri Devi
Remembering Savitri Devi:
Sept 30, 1905–Oct 22, 1982
Savitri Devi Archive
Woman Against Time: Remembering Savitri Devi’s 100th Birthday (An account of her life and work – R. G. Fowler’s tribute to Savitri Devi on her 100th birthday)
Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano and the global phenomenon of Esoteric Hitlerism
A. Versluis, ResearchGate, January 2012
Lightning and the Sun