A few select quotes by Don Miguel Serrano on Hitler, Wotan, Kalki, the tenth and final avatar of Vishnu, the Kali-Yuga, the White Horse, the Flaming Sword, and Sleipner. Also
European Paganism, Hinduism, and Sanatana Dharma are the topics discussed in the below quote which I transcribed on August 27th 2016. This is from a radio interview with Sri Dharma
Paganism and Hinduism If Nazi Aryan discourse and racially orientated forms of modern Paganism represent a xenophobic and racist response to scholarly research into ancient Into-European commonalities, other Pagans have
The following video is of Adolf Hitler speaking at the end of the great election campaign for German honour and equality on November 10th 1933 in front of the workers
This is a copy of an informative Twitter thread on the information, or lack thereof, on the “Weimar Republic.” Following this article we shall give links to other articles that
Memories of My Youth in National Socialist Germany by Dirk G. van der Walle (full name Dirk Gerard Maria Joseph van de Walle) is the English translation (February 2018) of
Perhaps no book is less known, yet more important, than the Shulchan Aruch. Most people have heard of the Talmud-that compendium of Jewish laws, and thus the essence of Judaism. The
You often hear the argument, superficial as it is and built on ignorance that “I don’t care about race, I judge everyone individually and on the content of their character
Shortly after Hitler rose to power in 1933, his Ministry of Education decided to issue a series of “youth books” to explain Hitler’s story to young Germans. Today we know
Whilst unjustly held against his will and imprisoned in Wandsworth Prison in London, the defiant National Socialist William Joyce sat down on December 27th 1945 and penned ‘a directory of