Unity Valkyrie Mitford (August 8th 1914 – May 28th 1948), conceived in Swastika, Ontario and born in London was an English aristocratic socialite and fervent supporter of Adolf Hitler and
Tag: Adam O. Corrien
This is a speech by A.K. Chesterton, circa 1959 in New Zealand on the topic of “High Treason and International Finance”. I bought this speech on audio CD from RevelationAudioVisual.com
It is plainly understood to those that are cast in the Zionist Control Matrix (ZCM) propaganda mill as hateful racists, supremacists and bigots (although their are those whom hate ignorantly)
On September 14th 2017 the website of The Impartial Truth posted a video and write-up of Dr. Joseph Goebbels’ February 10th 1933 speech at the Sportpalast. You can watch the
Hitler on ‘The Man To Come’ (The Quotes Behind the Claim) First published April 25th 2020. Last updated September 20th 2023. See also Don Miguel Serrano on Hitler-Wotan-Kalki and What
This article consists of very little commentary on the part of the author, and will predominantly present quotes from National Socialists from the Third Reich era. Only a select few
DON’T BE ANOTHER WHITE MUG! Don’t be this person. Don’t spread moronic illegal material. Don’t fedpost. Don’t call for violence. This is what the anti-Whites want you to do. Never go full fedtard. If you see someone do so,
First published February 11th 2016 with continuous updates, the latest being January 18th 2023. See end of article for more details. See also, Don’t Be Another White Mug! When We
Povl Heinrich Riis-Knudsen, born October 28th 1949 in Egense, Aalborg, Nordjylland in Denmark is a former associate university professor and translator best known for his books, “Nationalsocialismen – En Venstreorienteret
We Shall Never Forgive And Never Forget! Disclaimer : Do not misinterpret what is written in this article. In no way whatsoever is violence of ANY sort being advocated or