My name is not my own, It is borrowed from my ancestors, I must return it unstained. My honor is not my own, It is on loan from my descendants,
Author: Admin
“When the Indians first made their appearance on the Klamath river it was already inhabited by a white race of people known among us as the Wa-gas. These white people
“The real is just as fantastical as the fantastical is real.” – Jünger, Ernst; ‘Sizilischer Brief an den Mann im Mond’ (Sicilian Letter to the Manin the Moon), from ‘Mondstein,
“It was not easy for me to recognize the difficulties in understanding my books. I am immersed in symbols and legends, which circulate through my blood, and it has been
“…only poets will be able to understand me and continue my work.” – Don Miguel Serrano, recounting the words spoken to him by Dr. C.G. Jung (Serrano, Miguel; Another Turn
“All those peoples, tribes, families or castes who know they are the repositories of a legacy, of a mission, of a “divine principle”, are instinctive keepers of their blood, because they “know” that
“Nothing can destroy that which is built in truth. We are the pure gold put to test in the furnace. Let the furnace blaze and roar! Nothing can destroy us.
“Kaliyuga must be defeated inside you, the Golden Age will first return in your soul. This mystery is unknown to the age of Kaliyuga, because it is beyond the comprehension
“There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus saw it as a condensation of light. I believe the Aryan and Hyperborean blood is that, but not the light of the Golden
“The blood is the sacred and mystical link between man and spirit, of flesh and the divine, between mortality and the immortal essence of being – True nature of the